4 Bible Verses about Blamelessness, Church Ministers

Most Relevant Verses

Titus 1:6-7

wherever there is a man of blameless life, true to his one wife, having children who are themselves believers and are free from every reproach of profligacy or of stubborn self-will. For, as God's steward, a minister must be of blameless life, not over-fond of having his own way, not a man of a passionate temper nor a hard drinker, not given to blows nor greedy of gain,

1 Thessalonians 2:10

You yourselves are witnesses--and God is witness--how holy and upright and blameless our dealings with you believers were.

2 Corinthians 11:7-9

Is it a sin that I abased myself in order for you to be exalted, in that I proclaimed God's Good News to you without fee or reward? Other Churches I robbed, receiving pay from them in order to do you service. And when I was with you and my resources failed, there was no one to whom I became a burden--for the brethren when they came from Macedonia fully supplied my wants--and I kept myself from being in the least a burden to you, and will do so still.

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