3 Bible Verses about Careers
Most Relevant Verses
Matthew 9:37-38
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is abundant, but the reapers are few; therefore entreat the Owner of the Harvest to send out reapers into His fields."
1 Corinthians 7:25-26
Concerning unmarried women I have no command to give you from the Lord; but I offer you my opinion, which is that of a man who, through the Lord's mercy, is deserving of your confidence. I think then that, taking into consideration the distress which is now upon us, it is well for a man to remain as he is.
Ephesians 5:1-2
Therefore be imitators of God, as His dear children. And live and act lovingly, as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up to death on our behalf as an offering and sacrifice to God, yielding a fragrant odor.