9 Bible Verses about Christ's Authority Over Nature

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 8:23-27

And he having gone into a ship, his disciples followed him. And, behold, a great shaking was in the sea, so that the ship was covered by the waves: and be slept. And his disciples, having come near, awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we are lost.read more.
And he says to them, Why are ye timorous, ye of little faith? Then having risen, he censured the winds and sea; and there was a great calm. And the men admired, saying, Of what race is this for the winds and the sea listen to him.

Mark 4:36-41

And having let the crowd go, they receive him as he was in the ship. And there were also other small vessels with him. And there is a great hurricane of wind, and the waves struck against the ship, so that it was already filled. And he was upon the back part of the ship, sleeping upon a pillow: and they aroused him, and say to him, Teacher, carest thou not that we perish?read more.
And having risen, he censured the wind, and said to the sea, Be silent, be constricted. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said to them, Why are ye so timorous? how have ye not faith? And they feared a great fear, and said to one another, Who is this, that also the wind and sea listen to him

Luke 8:22-25

And it was in one of the days, and he went into a ship, and his disciples: and he said to them, Let us pass through to the other side of the lake. And they led forth. And they sailing, he fell asleep: and a hurricane of wind came down upon the lake; and they were filled, and were in peril. And having come near, they awoke him, saying, Ruler ruler, we perish. And having risen, he censured the wind and heaving of water; and they ceased, and there was a calm.read more.
And he said to them, Where is your faith And having feared, they wondered, saying to one another, Who then is this! that also commands the winds and the waters, and they listen to him!

Matthew 14:22-33

And quickly Jesus constrained his disciples to go into the ship, and to go before him to the other side, till he should loose the crowds. And having loosed the crowds, he went up into a mount apart to pray: and being evening, he was there alone. And the ship was already in the midst of the sea, overcharged by waves: for the wind was contrary.read more.
And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking upon the sea. And the disciples seeing him walking upon the sea, were troubled, saying, It is an apparition; and they cried out for fear. And quickly Jesus spake to them, saying, Take courage; I am; be not afraid. And Peter having answered him, said, Lord, if thou art, encourage me to come upon the waters. And he said, Come. And Peter having gone down from the ship, walked upon the waters, to go to Jesus. And seeing the wind strong, he was afraid: and beginning to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me. And quickly Jesus, having stretched out the hand, laid hold of him, and says to him, O thou of little faith, for what didst thou doubt? And having gone into the ship, the wind ceased. And they in the ship, having come, worshipped him, saying, Thou art truly the Son of God.

Mark 6:45-51

And quickly he constrained his disciples to go to the ship, and to lead before to the other side of Bethsaida, till he loose the crowd: And having dismissed them, he went away to the mount to pray. And evening having come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone upon land.read more.
And he saw them trying to urge forward, for the wind was contrary to them: and about the fourth watch of the night he comes to them walking upon the sea, and he would pass by them. And having seen him walking upon the sea, they thought it was an apparition, and cried out: For all saw him, and were troubled. And quickly he spake with them, and says to them, Take courage: I am; be not afraid. And he went up to them to the ship; and the wind ceased, and they were greatly affected in mind above measure and wondered.

John 6:15-21

Then Jesus having known that they were about to come and carry him of forcibly, that they might make him king, departed again to the mount alone. And when it was evening, his disciples went down to the sea. And having entered into a ship, they came beyond the sea to Capernaum. And already was there darkness, and Jesus had not come to them.read more.
And the sea, a great wind blowing, arose. Then having urged forward about twent-five or thirty stadia, they behold Jesus walking upon the sea, and being near the ship: and they were afraid. And he says to them, I am; be not afraid. Then they wished to take him into the ship: and the ship was quickly at land to which they retired.

Matthew 21:18-22

And in the morn, having returned into the city, he hungered. And having seen one fig tree by the way, he came to it, and found nothing on it, except leaves only; and he says to it, Let no more fruit be from thee forever. And instantly the fig tree was dried up. And the disciples, seeing, wondered, saying, How suddenly was the fig tree dried up!read more.
And Jesus, having answered, said to them, Truly I say to you, if ye have faith, and be not removed, ye shall do not only that of the fig tree, but also to this mountain, if ye should say, Be thou lifted up, and cast into the sea, it shall be. And all things, whatever ye ask in prayer, believing, shall ye receive.

Mark 11:12-14

And in the morrow, they having come from Bethany, he hungered : And having seen a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if yet he shall find any thing upon it; and having come to it, he found nothing except leaves; for it was not time of the figs. And Jesus having answered, said to it, May none eat more fruit of thee forever. And his disciples heard.

Mark 11:20-24

And in the morning, coming near, they saw the fig tree having been dried up from the roots. And Peter, having recalled to mind, says to him, Rabbi, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is dried up. And Jesus having answered, says to them, Have the faith of God.read more.
For truly I say to you, That whoever should say to this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and should not discuss in his heart, but believe that what he says, is; it shall be to him, whatever he should say. For this I say to you, All things whatever, praying, ye ask, believe that ye receive, and it shall be to you.

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