3 occurrences
'Bad' in the Bible
That wealth was lost in a bad venture, so when he fathered a son, he was empty-handed.
Do not be in a hurry; leave his presence, and don’t persist in a bad cause, since he will do whatever he wants.
Everything is the same for everyone: there is one fate for the righteous and the wicked, for the good and the bad, for the clean and the unclean, for the one who sacrifices and the one who does not sacrifice. As it is for the good, so it is for the sinner; as for the one who takes an oath, so for the one who fears an oath.
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Bad (177 instances)
Badly (29 instances)
Badness (5 instances)
Big (54 instances)
Decayed (8 instances)
Defective (9 instances)
Dire (2 instances)
Dreadful (25 instances)
Forged (7 instances)
Foul (48 instances)
Horrible (32 instances)
Horrid (2 instances)
Ill (157 instances)
Regretful (1 instance)
Sorry (33 instances)
Spoiled (76 instances)
Tough (2 instances)
Unfit (5 instances)
Unsound (2 instances)
Wrong (462 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
רעה רע
evil , wickedness , wicked , hief , hurt , bad , trouble , sore , affliction , ill , adversity , favoured , harm , naught , noisome , grievous , sad ,
Usage: 669
Usage: 46