3 occurrences
'Blessed' in the Bible
and you swear, '{As Yahweh lives},' in truth, in justice, and in righteousness, then nations will be blessed by him, and in him they will boast."
Blessed be the person who trusts in Yahweh, and Yahweh is his trust.
Cursed be [the] day [on] which I was born, let not the day [on] which my mother gave birth to me be blessed.
Topical Concordance
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Old Testament (192)
- Genesis (40)
- Exodus (3)
- Leviticus (2)
- Numbers (6)
- Deuteronomy (15)
- Joshua (6)
- Judges (3)
- Ruth (4)
- 1 Samuel (6)
- 2 Samuel (10)
- 1 Kings (9)
- 1 Chronicles (7)
- 2 Chronicles (9)
- Ezra (1)
- Nehemiah (3)
- Job (4)
- Psalm (45)
- Proverbs (3)
- Ecclesiastes (1)
- Isaiah (5)
- Jeremiah (3)
- Daniel (4)
- Zechariah (1)
- Malachi (2)
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Bible Theasaurus
Blest (1 instance)
Consecrate (84 instances)
Damned (3 instances)
Hallow (73 instances)
Happy (237 instances)
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