1 occurrence
'Complete' in the Bible
The statement [is] trustworthy and deserving of complete acceptance.
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Absolute (36 instances)
Accomplished (134 instances)
Complete (347 instances)
Concluded (38 instances)
Consummate (4 instances)
Discharge (34 instances)
Dispatch (5 instances)
Effect (194 instances)
Ended (163 instances)
Entire (611 instances)
Finish (80 instances)
Full (1178 instances)
Gross (11 instances)
Perfect (226 instances)
Pure (216 instances)
Staring (9 instances)
Stark (4 instances)
Terminated (7 instances)
Thorough (10 instances)
Unadulterated (3 instances)
Utter (113 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form