28 occurrences

'House' in the Bible

Then Moses said to Aaron and to his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, "You must not let your hair hang loosely, and you must not tear your garments, so that you will not die and he will be angry with all the community. But your brothers, all the house of Israel, may weep [because of] {the burning that Yahweh caused},

Verse ConceptsClothingClothing, Tearing OfHairsCovering HeadsBare HeadsDeath Due To God's PresenceBurning PeopleNot Tearing ClothesDo Not MournGod Will Be AngryMourning The Death Of Others

"When you come into the land of Canaan, which I [am about to] give to you [as your] possession, and I put {mildew} in a house [in] the land of your possession,

Verse ConceptsInvasionsmold

then the one who {owns the house} shall come and tell the priest, saying, 'It appears to me [that] an infection [is] in the house.'

Verse ConceptsGiving Informationmold

And the priest shall [issue a] command, and they shall clear out the house before the priest comes to examine the infection, so that all that [is] in the house might not become unclean; and {afterward} the priest shall go to examine the house.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfEmptyingUnclean Things

then the priest shall go out from the house to the house's entrance, and he shall confine the house [for] seven days.

Verse ConceptsSeven DaysShutting DoorsSeven Days For Legal Purposes

Then they shall scrape off [the plaster] from all around the house, and they shall pour out the plaster, which they scraped off, {outside the city} on an unclean place.

Verse ConceptsMedicineOutside The CityPlasterUnclean Things

And they shall take other stones, and they shall {put} [them] in place of [those] stones, and they shall take other plaster, and they shall replaster the house.

Verse ConceptsClayBricksPlasterBuilding Stones Rejected

"But if the infection should return and it breaks out in the house after they have removed the stones and after scraping off [the plaster] of the house and after it has been replastered,

Verse Conceptsmold

then the priest shall come, and he shall examine [the infection], and {if} the infection has spread in the house, it [is] a destructive {mildew} in the house--it [is] unclean.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingInspectingUnclean Thingsmold

So he shall break down the house, its stones and its wood and all of the house's plaster, and he shall bring [it all] {outside the city} to an unclean place.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of HousesOutside The CityUnclean Things

And the person who enters into the house [during] all [the] days [that] he confined it shall become unclean until the evening.

Verse ConceptsShutting DoorsUnclean Until Evening

And the person who sleeps in the house must wash his garments, and the person who eats in the house shall wash his garments.

Verse ConceptsLying Down To RestClean ClothesEating Forbidden Food

"And if the priest comes again and examines [the house] and {if} the infection has not spread in the house after being replastered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the infection is healed.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingInspectingmold

And he shall take two birds and {cedar wood} and a {crimson thread} and hyssop to cleanse the house;

Verse ConceptsRed CordsCedar WoodClean ObjectsTwo Animals

Then he shall take the {cedar wood} and the hyssop and {the crimson thread} and the living bird, and he shall dip them in the slaughtered bird's blood and in the fresh water, and he shall spatter [them] on the house seven times.

Verse ConceptsSprinkling BloodSeven TimesCedar Wood

Thus he shall purify the house with the bird's blood and with the fresh water and with the living bird and with the {cedar wood} and with the hyssop and with {the crimson thread}.

Verse ConceptsAblutionClean Objectsmold

And he shall send the living bird {outside the city} {into the open field}; and so he shall make atonement for the house, and it shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CityPriests Atoning

"{Any man} from the house of Israel who slaughters an ox or a sheep or a goat in the camp or who slaughters [it] {outside the camp}

Verse ConceptsInside And Out

"And you shall say to them, '[if there is] {anyone} from the house of Israel or from the alien who dwells in their midst who offers a burnt offering or a sacrifice

Verse ConceptsForeignersForeigners Included In The LawStrangers in israel

And [if there is] {anyone} from the house of Israel or from the alien who is dwelling in their midst who eats any blood, then I will set my face against the person who eats the blood, and I will cut him off from among his people.

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodGod OpposingForeigners Included In The LawForbidden FoodThose To Be Cut Off From IsraelStrangers in israel

But a priest, if [with] his money he buys a person [as] {his possession}, that one may eat it, and the descendants of his house themselves may eat his food.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Uses OfRightsSlavesPermitted To Eat Offerings

But a priest's daughter, when she becomes a widow or divorced or there is no offspring for her, and she returns to her father's house as [in] her childhood, she may eat from her father's food, but {no layman may eat it}.

Verse ConceptsSinglenessDivorceFathers And Daughters

"Speak to Aaron and to his sons and to all the {Israelites}, and say to them, 'Anyone from the house of Israel or from the alien in Israel who presents his offering for any of their vows or for any of their freewill offerings that they present to Yahweh as a burnt offering,

Verse ConceptsForeigners Included In The Law

" 'And if a man sells {a residential house in a walled city}, then it shall be his redemption until completing {a year after his selling}; its redemption {shall last} {a year}.

Verse ConceptsRelationships And Dating

But if it is not redeemed {before a full year has passed}, then the house that [is] {in the walled city} shall belong to the buyer in perpetuity throughout his generations; it shall not go out [of the buyer's hand] in the Jubilee.

Verse ConceptsEternal PossessionReversion Of Things

" 'And if a man consecrates his house [as] a holy object for Yahweh, then the priest shall set a value on it, {either good or bad}; [just] as the priest sets a value on it, so it shall remain.

Verse ConceptsLiving In Houses

But if the one who consecrates [it] wants to redeem his house, then he shall add a fifth of your proper value's money onto it, and it shall be his.

Bible Theasaurus

Folly (74 instances)
Forbears (1 instance)
Forefathers (101 instances)
Genealogy (28 instances)
Household (360 instances)
Lineage (13 instances)
Lodge (69 instances)
Mansion (2 instances)
Theater (2 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
house , at home , household , from the house
Usage: 46

Usage: 0

Usage: 54

Usage: 2053

Bayith (Aramaic) 
Usage: 44

בּית לעפרה 
Beyth l@-`Aphrah 
Usage: 1

בּית עקד 
Beyth `Eqed 
Usage: 2

roof , housetop , top , ... house
Usage: 30

Usage: 2

Usage: 12

Usage: 2

עטרות בּית יואב 
`Atrowth beyth Yow'ab 
the house of Joab
Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

of the household , of own house
Usage: 3

Usage: 3

Usage: 2

Usage: 0

guide the house
Usage: 1

house , household , home 9 , at home ,
Usage: 77

thee , thou , thy house , not tr
Usage: 110