1 occurrence
'Late' in the Bible
In vain you get up early and stay up late,working hard to have enough food—yes, He gives sleep to the one He loves.
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Bible Theasaurus
Backward (41 instances)
Behindhand (1 instance)
Dead (769 instances)
Deep (296 instances)
Delayed (22 instances)
Delayed (22 instances)
Former (176 instances)
Hip (13 instances)
Late (48 instances)
Lately (7 instances)
Later (433 instances)
Previous (37 instances)
Recent (6 instances)
Recently (9 instances)
Tardy (1 instance)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
Usage: 16
אחרן אחרין
last , after , latter , end , utmost , following , hinder , hindermost , hindmost , rereward , uttermost
Usage: 50
אתמוּל אתמול אתמול
Usage: 8