4 occurrences

'Later' in the Bible

Later I told them, "You all are watching the predicament we're in, how Jerusalem lies desolate, with its gates burned by fire. Let's rebuild the Jerusalem wall so we're no longer a disgrace."

Verse ConceptsWallsDistressDestruction Of JerusalemCity GatesBurning JerusalemEliminating ShameRebuilding Jerusalemrebuilding

Later I visited Delaiah's son Shemaiah, a grandson of Mehetabel, who was confined at home. He kept urging me, "Let's meet together at the house of God, within the Temple, and take refuge there, because they're coming to kill you. In fact, they're coming at night to kill you!"

Verse ConceptsIntimidationShutting DoorsMeeting PeopleAttempting To Kill Specific PeopleRebuilding The Temple

Seven months later, the Israelis had settled in their own cities.

Verse ConceptsA Fourth Part

Later that day the book of Moses was read aloud so the people could hear it, and a written command was discovered therein permanently prohibiting the Ammonites and Moabites from coming into the congregation of God

Verse ConceptsAudiencesReadingMoses, Significance OfReading The ScripturesBook of the LawLaws Restricting Foreigners

Bible Theasaurus

Afterward (147 instances)
Afterwards (179 instances)
Former (176 instances)
Previous (37 instances)
Recent (6 instances)
Subsequent (7 instances)
Subsequently (5 instances)
Tardy (1 instance)
Ulterior (1 instance)

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