3 occurrences

'Quality' in the Bible

He said to them, "Now what have I accomplished compared to you? Even Ephraim's leftover grapes are better quality than Abiezer's harvest!

Verse ConceptsGleaningGrapesMinoritiesVintageRelative Greatness

Hezekiah welcomed them and showed them his whole storehouse, with its silver, gold, spices, and high quality olive oil, as well as his armory and everything in his treasuries. Hezekiah showed them everything in his palace and in his whole kingdom.

Verse ConceptsGoldHerbs And SpicesPride, Examples OfPride, OriginArmoryFragranceThings RevealedTaking Mixed Metalscredibility

The craftsman encourages the metalsmith, the one who wields the hammer encourages the one who pounds on the anvil. He approves the quality of the welding, and nails it down so it won't fall over."

Verse Conceptsencouragement, examples ofRidicule, Nature OfSkillToolsGoldsmithsBlacksmithsHammersNailsEncouraging One AnotherEncouraging Othersencouragingwoodworkingcraftsmanshipprocess

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Prize (15 instances)
Quality (31 instances)
Select (39 instances)
Timber (47 instances)

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