1 occurrence
'Render' in the Bible
Let the husband render her due to the wife, and in like manner the wife to the husband.
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Deliver (542 instances)
Furnish (18 instances)
Generate (1 instance)
Interpret (23 instances)
Picture (10 instances)
Provide (159 instances)
Render (111 instances)
Return (634 instances)
Show (538 instances)
Submit (66 instances)
Reverse Interlinear
Root Form
return , ...again , turn , ...back , ...away , restore , bring , render , answer , recompense , recover , deliver , put , withdraw , requite ,
Usage: 1058
Related Topics
- A Good Husband
- Affection
- Debt
- Duty
- Husband And Wife
- Love Marriage
- Loving Your Wife
- Loyalty
- Man And Woman
- Marriage Between Man And Woman
- Marriage Kjv
- Relationships With Boyfriend
- Responsibility
- Same Sex Marriage
- Sex Before Marriage
- Social duties
- Surrender
- Surrendering
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- The Surrendered life
- Wife
- Women's Roles
- Couples
- Marraige
- Matrimony
- Sex
- Spouse