2 occurrences
'Strictly' in the Bible
"We strictly forbad you to teach in that name--did we not?" he said. "And see, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and are trying to make us responsible for that man's death!"
He said to them, "You know better than most that a Jew is strictly forbidden to associate with a Gentile or visit him; but God has taught me to call no one unholy or unclean.
Related Words
Bible Theasaurus
Related Topics
- Avoiding Foreigners
- Bigotry
- Blood, as symbol of guilt
- Blood, of Jesus Christ
- Breaking Man's Law
- Clean, Spiritual Use
- Commands, in NT
- Disfellowship
- Exclusiveness
- Filling Places
- Gentiles, In Nt
- Jews Separate From Gentiles
- Lack Of Holiness
- People Being Unclean
- Racial Prejudice
- Racism
- Speaking In Christ's Name
- Teaching The Way Of God
- Unrelated People
- Enemies, of believers
- Equality