4 occurrences
'Sworn' in the Bible
The Lord of Hosts has sworn:As I have purposed, so it will be;as I have planned it, so it will happen.
By Myself I have sworn;Truth has gone from My mouth,a word that will not be revoked:Every knee will bow to Me,every tongue will swear allegiance.
“For this is like the days of Noah to Me:when I swore that the waters of Noahwould never flood the earth again,so I have sworn that I will not be angry with youor rebuke you.
The Lord has sworn with His right handand His strong arm:I will no longer give your grainto your enemies for food,and foreigners will not drink your new wineyou have labored for.
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Affirm (70 instances)
Assert (5 instances)
Avow (3 instances)
Bank (39 instances)
Blaspheme (17 instances)
Curse (243 instances)
Depose (2 instances)
Pledged (33 instances)
Rely (119 instances)
Swan (2 instances)
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