1 Corinthians 9:25

But, every man who striveth in the games, in all things, useth self-control; - they, indeed, then, that a corruptible crown, they may receive; but, we, an incorruptible!

James 1:12

Happy the man who endureth temptation! Because, becoming approved, he shall receive the crown of life - which he hath promised unto them that love him.

Revelation 2:10

Do not fear the things which thou art about to suffer. Lo! the adversary is about to cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried, and may have tribulation ten days. Become thou faithful until death, and I will give thee the crown of life.

1 Timothy 6:12

Be contesting the noble contest of the faith, - lay hold of the age-abiding life - unto which thou wast called, and didst make the noble confession before many witnesses.

2 Timothy 2:5

If, moreover, any man, contend even in the games, he is not crowned, unless, lawfully, he contend;

2 Timothy 4:7-8

The noble contest, have I contested, the race, have I finished, the faith, have I kept:

1 Peter 5:4

And, when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, ye shall bear away, the unfading crown of glory.

Revelation 3:11

I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that, no one, take thy crown.

1 Corinthians 15:54

But, whensoever, this mortal, shall clothe itself with immortality, then, shall be brought to pass the saying that is written - Death hath been swallowed up, victoriously;

Galatians 5:23

meekness, self-control; - against such things as these, there is no law.

Ephesians 6:12-18

Because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but, against the principalities, against the authorities, against the world-holders, of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies.

Titus 1:8

But hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, kind, possessing self-control,

Titus 2:2

That, aged men, be, sober, grave, sober-minded, healthy in their faith, love, endurance;

Hebrews 12:4

Not yet unto blood, have ye resisted, against sin, waging a contest;

Hebrews 12:28

Wherefore, seeing that, of a kingdom not to be shaken, we are receiving possession, let us have gratitude - whereby we may be rendering divine service well-pleasingly unto God, with reverence and awe;

1 Peter 1:4

Unto an inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, reserved in the heavens for you

2 Peter 1:6

And, in your knowledge, self-control, and, in your self-control, endurance, and, in your endurance, godliness,

Revelation 4:4

And, round about the throne, were four and twenty thrones; and, upon the thrones, four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and, upon their heads, were crowns of gold.

Revelation 4:10

the four and twenty elders will fall down before him that sitteth upon the throne, and do homage unto him that liveth unto the ages of ages, - and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying -

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

General references

Bible References


Ephesians 6:12
Because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but, against the principalities, against the authorities, against the world-holders, of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies.
1 Timothy 6:12
Be contesting the noble contest of the faith, - lay hold of the age-abiding life - unto which thou wast called, and didst make the noble confession before many witnesses.
2 Timothy 2:5
If, moreover, any man, contend even in the games, he is not crowned, unless, lawfully, he contend;
2 Timothy 4:7
The noble contest, have I contested, the race, have I finished, the faith, have I kept:
Hebrews 12:4
Not yet unto blood, have ye resisted, against sin, waging a contest;


Galatians 5:23
meekness, self-control; - against such things as these, there is no law.
Titus 1:8
But hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, kind, possessing self-control,
Titus 2:2
That, aged men, be, sober, grave, sober-minded, healthy in their faith, love, endurance;
2 Peter 1:6
And, in your knowledge, self-control, and, in your self-control, endurance, and, in your endurance, godliness,


1 Corinthians 15:54
But, whensoever, this mortal, shall clothe itself with immortality, then, shall be brought to pass the saying that is written - Death hath been swallowed up, victoriously;
2 Timothy 4:8
Henceforth, lieth by for me - the crown, of righteousness, which the Lord will render unto me in that, day, - The righteous judge, - Ye, not alone unto me, but unto all them also who have loved his forthshining.
Hebrews 12:28
Wherefore, seeing that, of a kingdom not to be shaken, we are receiving possession, let us have gratitude - whereby we may be rendering divine service well-pleasingly unto God, with reverence and awe;
James 1:12
Happy the man who endureth temptation! Because, becoming approved, he shall receive the crown of life - which he hath promised unto them that love him.
1 Peter 1:4
Unto an inheritance, incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, reserved in the heavens for you
1 Peter 5:4
And, when the Chief Shepherd is manifested, ye shall bear away, the unfading crown of glory.
Revelation 2:10
Do not fear the things which thou art about to suffer. Lo! the adversary is about to cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried, and may have tribulation ten days. Become thou faithful until death, and I will give thee the crown of life.
Revelation 3:11
I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that, no one, take thy crown.
Revelation 4:4
And, round about the throne, were four and twenty thrones; and, upon the thrones, four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and, upon their heads, were crowns of gold.

General references

Luke 22:29
And, I, covenant unto you - as my Father hath covenanted unto me - a kingdom,