Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.

The lord

Bible References

The lord

1 Kings 9:2
Jehovah came to him again in a vision just as he had done at Gibeon.

In a dream

Genesis 28:12
He had a dream in which he saw a stairway set up on the earth with its top reaching up to heaven. He saw the angels of God going up and coming down on it.
Numbers 12:6
He said: Listen to my words: 'When there are prophets of Jehovah among you, I make myself known to them in visions or speak to them in dreams.
Job 33:14
God does speak, now one-way and then another, though man may not perceive it.
Matthew 1:20
Joseph had this in mind when God's angel appeared to him in a dream. The angel said to him: Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. She is pregnant by Holy Spirit.
Matthew 2:13
When they left, the angel of God appeared to Joseph in a dream and said: Herod is looking to kill the young child. Arise, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you to leave.

Ask what

2 Chronicles 1:7
That night God appeared to Solomon. He said: What do you want me to I give you?
Matthew 7:7
Ask and it will be given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened for you.
Mark 10:36
He asked: What do you want me to do for you?
Mark 11:24
I tell you, believe that you receive what you pray for and you shall have it.
John 14:13
Whatever you ask in my name, I will do. That way the Father may be glorified because of the Son.
John 15:16
You did not choose me. I chose you and appointed you. You should go and bear fruit and your fruit should remain. Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God. He gives to all generously and without reproach and it will be given to him.
1 John 5:14
This is the confidence that we have toward him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.