1 Peter 3:11

And let him avoid evil, and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it;

Psalm 34:14

Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.

Matthew 5:9

Blessed the peace-makers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Romans 7:21

I find then the law upon me who will to practise what is right, that with me evil is there.

Romans 12:18

if possible, as far as depends on you, living in peace with all men;

Hebrews 12:14

Pursue peace with all, and holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord:

Job 1:1

There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and this man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God and abstained from evil.

Job 2:3

And Jehovah said to Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God and abstaineth from evil? and still he remaineth firm in his integrity, though thou movedst me against him, to swallow him up without cause.

Job 28:28

And unto man he said, Lo, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

Psalm 37:27

Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell for evermore;

Psalm 120:6-7

My soul hath long dwelt with them that hate peace.

Psalm 125:4

Do good, O Jehovah, unto the good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.

Proverbs 3:7

Be not wise in thine own eyes; fear Jehovah, and depart from evil:

Proverbs 16:6

By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is atoned for; and by the fear of Jehovah men depart from evil.

Proverbs 16:17

The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that taketh heed to his way keepeth his soul.

Isaiah 1:16-17

Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil,

Matthew 5:45

that ye may be the sons of your Father who is in the heavens; for he makes his sun rise on evil and good, and sends rain on just and unjust.

Matthew 6:13

and lead us not into temptation, but save us from evil.

Mark 14:7

for ye have the poor always with you, and whenever ye would ye can do them good; but me ye have not always.

Luke 1:79

to shine upon them who were sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Luke 6:9

Jesus therefore said to them, I will ask you if it is lawful on the sabbath to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?

Luke 6:35

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return, and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be sons of the Highest; for he is good to the unthankful and wicked.

John 17:15

I do not demand that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them out of evil.

Romans 5:1

Therefore having been justified on the principle of faith, we have peace towards God through our Lord Jesus Christ;

Romans 7:19

For I do not practise the good that I will; but the evil I do not will, that I do.

Romans 8:6

For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit life and peace.

Romans 14:17

for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 14:19

So then let us pursue the things which tend to peace, and things whereby one shall build up another.

Galatians 5:22

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, fidelity,

Galatians 6:10

So then, as we have occasion, let us do good towards all, and specially towards those of the household of faith.

Colossians 3:15

And let the peace of Christ preside in your hearts, to which also ye have been called in one body, and be thankful.

1 Timothy 6:18

to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal in distributing, disposed to communicate of their substance,

Hebrews 13:16

But of doing good and communicating of your substance be not forgetful, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

James 3:17-18

But the wisdom from above first is pure, then peaceful, gentle, yielding, full of mercy and good fruits, unquestioning, unfeigned.

James 4:17

To him therefore who knows how to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin.

3 John 1:11

Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He that does good is of God. He that does evil has not seen God.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Job 1:1
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and this man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God and abstained from evil.
Job 2:3
And Jehovah said to Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God and abstaineth from evil? and still he remaineth firm in his integrity, though thou movedst me against him, to swallow him up without cause.
Job 28:28
And unto man he said, Lo, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.
Psalm 34:14
Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
Psalm 37:27
Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell for evermore;
Proverbs 3:7
Be not wise in thine own eyes; fear Jehovah, and depart from evil:
Proverbs 16:6
By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is atoned for; and by the fear of Jehovah men depart from evil.
Isaiah 1:16
Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil,
Matthew 6:13
and lead us not into temptation, but save us from evil.
John 17:15
I do not demand that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them out of evil.


Psalm 125:4
Do good, O Jehovah, unto the good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.
Matthew 5:45
that ye may be the sons of your Father who is in the heavens; for he makes his sun rise on evil and good, and sends rain on just and unjust.
Mark 14:7
for ye have the poor always with you, and whenever ye would ye can do them good; but me ye have not always.
Luke 6:9
Jesus therefore said to them, I will ask you if it is lawful on the sabbath to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?
Romans 7:19
For I do not practise the good that I will; but the evil I do not will, that I do.
Galatians 6:10
So then, as we have occasion, let us do good towards all, and specially towards those of the household of faith.
1 Timothy 6:18
to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal in distributing, disposed to communicate of their substance,
Hebrews 13:16
But of doing good and communicating of your substance be not forgetful, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
James 4:17
To him therefore who knows how to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin.
3 John 1:11
Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He that does good is of God. He that does evil has not seen God.


Psalm 120:6
My soul hath long dwelt with them that hate peace.
Matthew 5:9
Blessed the peace-makers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Luke 1:79
to shine upon them who were sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Romans 5:1
Therefore having been justified on the principle of faith, we have peace towards God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
Romans 8:6
For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit life and peace.
Romans 12:18
if possible, as far as depends on you, living in peace with all men;
Romans 14:17
for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, fidelity,
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of Christ preside in your hearts, to which also ye have been called in one body, and be thankful.
Hebrews 12:14
Pursue peace with all, and holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord:
James 3:17
But the wisdom from above first is pure, then peaceful, gentle, yielding, full of mercy and good fruits, unquestioning, unfeigned.

General references

Deuteronomy 32:47
For it is no vain word for you, but it is your life, and through this word ye shall prolong your days on the land whereunto ye pass over the Jordan to possess it.
Romans 12:18
if possible, as far as depends on you, living in peace with all men;