Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

A reason

Bible References

And be

Matthew 10:18
and you will be haled before governors and kings for my sake ??it will be a testimony to them and to the Gentiles.
Luke 21:14
So resolve to yourselves that you will not rehearse your defence beforehand,
Acts 4:8
Then Peter, filled with the holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers of the people and elders of Israel,
Acts 5:29
Peter and the apostles answered, "One must obey God rather than men.
Acts 21:39
Paul said, "I am a Jew, a native of Tarsus in Cilicia, the citizen of a famous town. Pray let me speak to the people."
Acts 22:1
"Brothers and fathers, listen to the defence I now make before you."
Colossians 4:6
let your talk always have a saving salt of grace about it, and learn how to answer any question put to you.
2 Timothy 2:25
he must be gentle in his admonitions to the opposition ??God may perhaps let them change their mind and admit the Truth;

A reason

Acts 24:25
but when he argued about morality, self-mastery, and the future judgment, Felix grew uneasy. "You may go for the present," he said; "when I can find a moment, I will send for you"

The hope

1 Peter 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy we have been born anew to a life of hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
Colossians 1:5
due to the hope which is laid up for you in heaven. You heard of this hope originally in the message of the Truth, in that gospel
Titus 1:2
serving in hope of the life eternal which God, who never lies, promised ages ago ??3 he gave effect to his word in due time by a proclamation with which I have been entrusted by command of God our Saviour: ??4 to Titus my lawful son in a faith we hold in common; grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Hebrews 6:1
Let us pass on then to what is mature, leaving elementary Christian doctrine behind, instead of laying the foundation over again with repentance from dead works, with faith in God,


1 Peter 3:2
when they see how chaste and reverent you are.
2 Timothy 2:25
he must be gentle in his admonitions to the opposition ??God may perhaps let them change their mind and admit the Truth;