1 Thessalonians 2:16

hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles in order that they may be saved, so that [they] always fill up their sins. But wrath has come upon them to the end.

Acts 13:50

But the Jews incited the devout women of high social standing and the most prominent men of the city, and stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and threw them out of their district.

Genesis 15:16

And the fourth generation shall return here, for the guilt of the Amorites {is not yet complete}."

Matthew 23:32

And you--fill up the measure of your fathers!

Acts 14:19

But Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium, and [when they] had won over the crowds and stoned Paul, they dragged [him] outside the city, thinking he was dead.

Acts 17:13

But when the Jews from Thessalonica found out that the message of God had been proclaimed by Paul in Berea also, they came there too, inciting and stirring up the crowds.

Acts 13:45

But [when] the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy, and began contradicting what was being said by Paul [by] reviling [him].

Acts 14:5

So when an inclination took place [on the part] of both the Gentiles and the Jews, together with their rulers, to mistreat [them] and to stone them,

Acts 22:21-22

And he said to me, 'Go, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles!'"

Galatians 5:11

Now, brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished.

2 Thessalonians 2:10

and with every unrighteous deception against those who are perishing, in place of which they did not accept the love of the truth, so that they would be saved.

Isaiah 45:22

Turn to me and be saved, all [the] ends of [the] earth, for I [am] God and there is none besides [me].

Joel 2:30-31

And I will {set} wonders in the heavens, and on earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.

Zechariah 5:6-8

And I asked, "What [is] it?" And he said, "This [is] a basket going out. And he said, "This [is] their iniquity throughout all the earth.

Malachi 4:1

"For look! The day [is] about to come, burning like an oven, and all the arrogant and every {evildoer} will be stubble. The coming day will consume them," says Yahweh of hosts. "It will not leave behind for them root or branch.

Malachi 4:5

Look! I [am] going to send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahweh!

Matthew 3:7-10

But [when he] saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, "Offspring of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

Matthew 3:12

His winnowing shovel [is] in his hand, and he will clean out his threshing floor and will gather his wheat into the storehouse, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

Matthew 12:45

Then it goes and brings along with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and [they] go in [and] live there. And the last [state] of that person becomes worse than the first. So it will be for this evil generation also!"

Matthew 21:41-44

They said to him, "He will destroy those evil [men] completely and lease the vineyard to other tenant farmers who will give him the fruits in their season."

Matthew 22:6-7

And the others, seizing his slaves, mistreated [them] and killed [them].

Matthew 24:6

And you are going to hear about wars and rumors of wars. See to it that you are not alarmed, for this must happen, but the end is not yet.

Matthew 24:14

And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 24:21-22

For at that time there will be great tribulation, such as has not happened from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will happen.

Mark 16:16

The one who believes and is baptized will be saved, but the one who refuses to believe will be condemned.

Luke 11:50-51

so that the blood of all the prophets that has been shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation,

Luke 19:42-44

saying, "If you had known on this day--even you--the things [that make] for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes.

Luke 21:20-24

"But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near.

Acts 4:12

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven that is given among people by which we must be saved."

Acts 11:2-3

So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision took issue with him,

Acts 11:17-18

Therefore if God gave them the same gift as also to us [when we] believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I [to be] able to hinder God?"

Acts 14:2

But the Jews who were disobedient stirred up and {poisoned the minds} of the Gentiles against the brothers.

Acts 17:5-6

But the Jews were filled with jealousy and, taking along some worthless men from the rabble in the marketplace and forming a mob, threw the city into an uproar. And attacking Jason's house, they were looking for them to bring [them] out to the popular assembly.

Acts 18:12-13

Now [when] Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews rose up with one purpose against Paul and brought him before the judgment seat,

Acts 19:9

But when some became hardened and were disobedient, reviling the Way before the congregation, he departed from them [and] took away the disciples, leading discussions every day in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.

Acts 21:27-31

But when the seven days were about to be completed, the Jews from Asia who had seen him in the temple [courts] stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him,

Romans 10:13-15

For "everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved."

Ephesians 3:8

To me, the least of all the saints, was given this grace: to proclaim the good news of the fathomless riches of Christ to the Gentiles,

Ephesians 3:13

Therefore I ask [you] not to be discouraged at my afflictions on behalf of you, which are your glory.

1 Thessalonians 1:10

and to await his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus, the one who delivers us from the coming wrath.

1 Timothy 2:4

who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Hebrews 6:8

But [if it] produces thorns and thistles, [it is] worthless and near to a curse, whose end [is] for burning.

Hebrews 10:27-30

but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and a fury of fire that is about to consume the adversaries.

James 5:1-6

Come now, you rich people, weep [and] cry aloud over the miseries that are coming upon you!

Revelation 22:11

The one who does evil, let him do evil still, and the defiled, let him be defiled still, and the righteous, let him practice righteousness still, and the holy, let him be holy still."

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

Bible References


Acts 11:2
So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision took issue with him,
Acts 13:50
But the Jews incited the devout women of high social standing and the most prominent men of the city, and stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and threw them out of their district.
Acts 14:5
So when an inclination took place [on the part] of both the Gentiles and the Jews, together with their rulers, to mistreat [them] and to stone them,
Acts 17:5
But the Jews were filled with jealousy and, taking along some worthless men from the rabble in the marketplace and forming a mob, threw the city into an uproar. And attacking Jason's house, they were looking for them to bring [them] out to the popular assembly.
Acts 18:12
Now [when] Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews rose up with one purpose against Paul and brought him before the judgment seat,
Acts 19:9
But when some became hardened and were disobedient, reviling the Way before the congregation, he departed from them [and] took away the disciples, leading discussions every day in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.
Acts 21:27
But when the seven days were about to be completed, the Jews from Asia who had seen him in the temple [courts] stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him,
Acts 22:21
And he said to me, 'Go, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles!'"
Galatians 5:11
Now, brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished.
Ephesians 3:8
To me, the least of all the saints, was given this grace: to proclaim the good news of the fathomless riches of Christ to the Gentiles,

To fill

Genesis 15:16
And the fourth generation shall return here, for the guilt of the Amorites {is not yet complete}."
Zechariah 5:6
And I asked, "What [is] it?" And he said, "This [is] a basket going out. And he said, "This [is] their iniquity throughout all the earth.
Matthew 23:32
And you--fill up the measure of your fathers!

General references

Jeremiah 51:24
And I will repay Babylon, and all the inhabitants of Chaldea, all their wickedness that they have done in Zion before your eyes," {declares} Yahweh.
Ezekiel 11:8
[The] sword you have feared, and [the] sword I will bring against you!" {declares} the Lord Yahweh.
Matthew 21:35
And the tenant farmers seized his slaves, [one of] whom they beat, and [one of] whom they killed, and [one of] whom they stoned.
Matthew 24:21
For at that time there will be great tribulation, such as has not happened from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will happen.
Luke 3:20
added this also to them all: he also locked up John in prison.
Luke 19:27
But these enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring [them] here and slaughter them [in] my presence!'"
John 16:9
concerning sin, because they do not believe in me,
Acts 14:2
But the Jews who were disobedient stirred up and {poisoned the minds} of the Gentiles against the brothers.