Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:


Bible References


2 Corinthians 5:4
Yes, we who are in this tent certainly do sigh under our burdens, for we do not wish to lay aside that with which we are now clothed, but to put on more, so that our mortality may be absorbed in Life.
Romans 7:24
(Unhappy man that I am! who will rescue me from this death-burdened body?
Romans 8:23
And more than that, we ourselves, though we possess the Spirit as a foretaste and pledge of the glorious future, yet we ourselves inwardly sigh, as we wait and long for open recognition as sons through the deliverance of our bodies.
1 Peter 1:6
Rejoice triumphantly in the prospect of this, even if now, for a short time, you are compelled to sorrow amid various trials.


Philippians 1:23
I am in a dilemma, my earnest desire being to depart and be with Christ, for that is far, far better.