Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References

There were

Matthew 7:15
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you disguised as sheep but are ravenous wolves underneath.
Luke 6:26
"Alas for you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is the way their forefathers treated the false prophets!
Romans 16:18
Such men are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own base passions, and with their plausible and flattering talk they deceive simple-minded people.


Matthew 24:5
For many will come under my name, and say, 'I am the Christ,' and many will be misled by them.
Mark 13:22
For false Christs and false prophets will appear, and they will show signs and wonders to mislead God's chosen people if they can.
Luke 21:8
And he said, "Take care not to be misled. For many will come under my name, and say, 'I am he,' and 'The time is at hand.' Do not follow them.
Acts 20:29
I know that after I am gone savage wolves will get in among you and will not spare the flock,
1 Corinthians 11:19
Doubtless there must be parties among you, if those who are right are to be recognized among you.
2 Corinthians 11:13
Such men are sham apostles, dishonest workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.
Galatians 4:17
These men are making much of you, but not with honorable intentions. They want to shut you out, so that you will have to make much of them.
Ephesians 4:14
We must not be babies any longer, blown about and swung around by every wind of doctrine through the trickery of men with their ingenuity in inventing error.
Colossians 2:8
Take care that nobody exploits you through the pretensions of philosophy, guided by human tradition, following material ways of looking at things, instead of following Christ.
2 Thessalonians 2:3
You must not let anyone deceive you at all. For that is not until the rebellion takes place and the embodiment of disobedience makes his appearance??e who is doomed to destruction,
1 Timothy 4:1
The Spirit distinctly says that in later times some will turn away from the faith, and devote their attention to deceitful spirits and the things that demons teach
2 Timothy 3:1
Understand this, that in the last days there are going to be hard times.
2 Timothy 4:3
For a time will come when they will not listen to wholesome instruction, but will overwhelm themselves with teachers to suit their whims and tickle their fancies,
Titus 1:11
They must be silenced, for such men upset whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach, for the sake of dishonest gain.
1 John 2:18
Children, it is the last hour. You have heard that Antichrist is coming, and many Antichrists have indeed appeared. So we may be sure that it is the last hour.
1 John 4:1
Dear friends, do not believe every inspired utterance, but test the utterances to see whether they come from God, for many false prophets have come out into the world.
Jude 1:18
for they said to you, "In the last times there will be mockers who will go where their own godless passions lead."
Revelation 2:9
I know of your distress and poverty??hough you are rich!?? know how you are slandered by those who claim to be Jews when they are not so, but only a synagogue of Satan!
Revelation 13:14
It leads the inhabitants of the earth astray by the wonders it is allowed to do on behalf of the animal, telling the inhabitants of the earth to erect a statue to the animal that bears the mark of the sword-thrust and yet lives.


2 Peter 2:3
In their greed they will exploit you with pretended arguments. From of old their condemnation has not been idle, and their destruction has not slumbered.
Galatians 2:4
to gratify the false brothers who had been smuggled in, who sneaked in to spy upon the freedom we enjoy in Christ Jesus, so as to reduce us to slavery again.


2 Peter 2:3
In their greed they will exploit you with pretended arguments. From of old their condemnation has not been idle, and their destruction has not slumbered.
Galatians 5:20
idolatry, sorcery, enmity, quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party-spirit,
Titus 3:10
If a man is inclined to a sect, after warning him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him.


Matthew 10:33
but anyone who disowns me before men, I will disown before my Father in heaven.
Luke 12:9
but anyone who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God.
Acts 3:13
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our forefathers, has done this honor to his servant Jesus, whom you betrayed and disowned before Pilate, when he had decided to let him go.
2 Timothy 2:12
If we endure, we will reign with him! If we disown him, he will also disown us!
Jude 1:4
For some people have sneaked in among us??heir doom was foretold long ago??odless persons, who turn the mercy of our God into an excuse for immorality, and disown our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Revelation 2:13
I know where you live; where Satan has his throne! Yet you cling to my name and did not renounce your faith in me even in the days when my faithful Antipas, my witness, was put to death among you??here Satan lives.
Revelation 3:8
I know what you are doing. See! I have put before you an open door that no one can close. I know that you have little strength, but you have obeyed my message and you have not disowned my name.


Acts 20:28
Take care of yourselves and of the whole flock, of which the holy Spirit has made you guardians, and be shepherds of the church of God, which he got at the cost of his own life.
1 Corinthians 6:20
you have been bought and paid for. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 7:23
You have been bought and paid for; you must not let yourselves become slaves to men.
Galatians 3:13
Christ ransomed us from the Law's curse by taking our curse upon himself (for the Scripture says, "Cursed be anyone who is hung on a tree")
Ephesians 1:7
It is through union with him and through his blood that we have been delivered and our offenses forgiven,
Hebrews 10:29
How much worse a punishment do you think will anyone deserve who tramples the Son of God underfoot, and treats as worthless the blood of the agreement by which he has been purified, and outrages God's spirit of mercy?
1 Peter 1:8
You must love him, though you have not seen him, but since you believe in him though you do not now see him, rejoice with triumphant, unutterable joy
Revelation 5:9
Then they sang a new song: "You deserve to take the roll and open its seals, for you have been slaughtered, and with your blood have bought for God men from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation,

And bring

2 Peter 2:3
In their greed they will exploit you with pretended arguments. From of old their condemnation has not been idle, and their destruction has not slumbered.
Philippians 3:19
They are doomed to destruction: their appetites are their god; they glory in their shame; they are absorbed in earthly matters.

General references

Matthew 24:11
Many false prophets will appear, and many will be misled by them,