Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

General references

Bible References


2 Thessalonians 1:3
We are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren, as it is right, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all toward each other abounds:
Romans 1:8
First, I thank my God, through Jesus Christ, on account of you all, because your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.
Romans 6:17
But thanks be to God, that though you were the servants of sin, yet you have obeyed from the heart the form of teaching, in which you have been instructed;


2 Thessalonians 2:16
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, who has loved us, and given us eternal consolation and good hope through grace,
Romans 1:7
to all that are in Rome, be loved of God, called saints: Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Colossians 3:12
Put on, therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, a merciful disposition, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering:
1 John 4:10
In this is love; not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins.


John 1:1
IN the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD. was with God, and the WORD was God.
John 8:44
You are of your father, the devil; and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the be ginning, and stood not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks that which is false, he speaks from what is his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Hebrews 1:10
And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning, didst lay the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of thy hands.


2 Thessalonians 2:10
and with all the delusion of unrighteousness in those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order that they might be saved.
Luke 1:75
in holiness and righteousness before him, all our days.
1 Peter 1:2
elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctification of the Spirit, in order to obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: grace be to you, and peace be multiplied.


John 8:45
But because I speak the truth, you believe me not.
John 14:6
Jesus said to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me.
Acts 13:48
When the Gentiles heard this they rejoiced, and glorified the word of the Lord; and as many as were determined to obtain eternal life, believed.
Acts 15:9
and he made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
Galatians 3:1
Thoughtless Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been plainly set forth crucified?
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through the faith; and this matter is not of yourselves; it is the gift of God:
Colossians 1:5
in consequence of the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel,
2 Timothy 2:15
Strive to present yourself to God as approved, a workman that has no cause to be ashamed, rightly setting forth the word of truth.
2 Timothy 3:15
and that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise in order to salvation, through faith that is in Christ Jesus.
James 1:18
Of his own will, he begot us with the word of truth, in order that we might be, as it were, the first-fruits of his creatures.

General references

Luke 1:75
in holiness and righteousness before him, all our days.
Acts 15:18
Known to God from eternity are all bis works.
Romans 9:16
Therefore, it is not of him that wills, nor of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy.