2 Timothy 2:24

And the Lord's servant must not be a man of strife; he must be kind to everybody, a skilled teacher, a man who will not resent injuries;

1 Timothy 3:2-3

Well, for the office of a bishop a man must be above reproach; he must be only married once, he must be temperate, master of himself, unruffled, hospitable, a skilled teacher,

Titus 3:2

they must abuse no one, they must not quarrel, but be conciliatory and display perfect gentleness to all men.

1 Thessalonians 2:7

no, we behaved gently when we were among you, like a nursing mother cherishing her own children,

Titus 1:7

[For a bishop must be above reproach ??he is a steward of God's house ??he must not be presumptuous or hot-tempered or a drunkard or violent or addicted to pilfering;

Matthew 12:19

He will not wrangle or shout, no one will hear his voice in the streets.

John 6:52

The Jews then wrangled with one another, saying, "How can he give us his flesh to eat?"

Acts 7:26

Next day he came upon two of them fighting and tried to pacify them. "You are brothers!" he said, "why injure one another?"

Acts 15:2

As a sharp dispute and controversy sprang up between them and Paul and Barnabas, it was arranged that Paul and Barnabas, along with some others of their number, should go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and presbyters at Jerusalem about this question.

Acts 23:9

Thus a loud clamour broke out. Some of the scribes who belonged to the Pharisaic party got up and contended, "We find nothing wrong about this man. What if some spirit or angel has spoken to him?"

2 Corinthians 10:1

I appeal to you myself by the gentleness and consideration of Christ ??the Paul who is 'humble enough to your face when he is with you, but outspoken enough when he gets away from you.'

2 Corinthians 10:4

the weapons of my warfare are not weapons of the flesh, but divinely strong to demolish fortresses ??5 I demolish theories and any rampart thrown up to resist the knowledge of God, I take every project prisoner to make it obey Christ,

Galatians 5:22

But the harvest of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, good temper, kindliness, generosity, fidelity,

Ephesians 4:2

with perfect modesty and gentleness, showing forbearance to one another patiently, zealous in love

Philippians 2:3

never acting for private ends or from vanity, but humbly considering each other the better man,

Philippians 2:14

In all that you do, avoid grumbling and disputing,

1 Timothy 6:11

Shun that, O man of God, aim at integrity, piety, faith, love, stedfastness, and suavity;

Titus 1:1

Paul a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ for the faith of God's elect and for their knowledge of the Truth that goes with a religious life,

Titus 1:9

he must hold by the sure truths of doctrine so as to be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and refute objections raised by any.]

James 1:1

James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: greeting.

James 1:19-20

Be sure of that, my beloved brothers. Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to talk, slow to be angry ??20 for human anger does not promote divine righteousness;

James 3:17

The wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, forbearing, conciliatory, full of mercy and wholesome fruit, unambiguous, straightforward;

James 4:2

You crave, and miss what you want: you envy and covet, but you cannot acquire: you wrangle and fight ??you miss what you want because you do not ask God for it;

1 Peter 3:8

Lastly, you must all be united, you must have sympathy, brotherly love, compassion, and humility,

Jude 1:3

Beloved, my whole concern was to write to you on the subject of our common salvation, but I am forced to write you an appeal to defend the faith which has once for all been committed to the saints;

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References

The servant

1 Timothy 6:11
Shun that, O man of God, aim at integrity, piety, faith, love, stedfastness, and suavity;
Titus 1:1
Paul a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ for the faith of God's elect and for their knowledge of the Truth that goes with a religious life,
Titus 3:2
they must abuse no one, they must not quarrel, but be conciliatory and display perfect gentleness to all men.
James 1:1
James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: greeting.


Matthew 12:19
He will not wrangle or shout, no one will hear his voice in the streets.
Acts 15:2
As a sharp dispute and controversy sprang up between them and Paul and Barnabas, it was arranged that Paul and Barnabas, along with some others of their number, should go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and presbyters at Jerusalem about this question.
2 Corinthians 10:4
the weapons of my warfare are not weapons of the flesh, but divinely strong to demolish fortresses ??5 I demolish theories and any rampart thrown up to resist the knowledge of God, I take every project prisoner to make it obey Christ,
Philippians 2:3
never acting for private ends or from vanity, but humbly considering each other the better man,
1 Timothy 3:3
not a drunkard or violent, but lenient and conciliatory, not a lover of money,
Titus 1:7
[For a bishop must be above reproach ??he is a steward of God's house ??he must not be presumptuous or hot-tempered or a drunkard or violent or addicted to pilfering;
James 1:19
Be sure of that, my beloved brothers. Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to talk, slow to be angry ??20 for human anger does not promote divine righteousness;
Jude 1:3
Beloved, my whole concern was to write to you on the subject of our common salvation, but I am forced to write you an appeal to defend the faith which has once for all been committed to the saints;


2 Corinthians 10:1
I appeal to you myself by the gentleness and consideration of Christ ??the Paul who is 'humble enough to your face when he is with you, but outspoken enough when he gets away from you.'
Galatians 5:22
But the harvest of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, good temper, kindliness, generosity, fidelity,
1 Thessalonians 2:7
no, we behaved gently when we were among you, like a nursing mother cherishing her own children,
Titus 3:2
they must abuse no one, they must not quarrel, but be conciliatory and display perfect gentleness to all men.
James 3:17
The wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, forbearing, conciliatory, full of mercy and wholesome fruit, unambiguous, straightforward;
1 Peter 3:8
Lastly, you must all be united, you must have sympathy, brotherly love, compassion, and humility,


1 Timothy 3:2
Well, for the office of a bishop a man must be above reproach; he must be only married once, he must be temperate, master of himself, unruffled, hospitable, a skilled teacher,
Titus 1:9
he must hold by the sure truths of doctrine so as to be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and refute objections raised by any.]

General references

Matthew 12:19
He will not wrangle or shout, no one will hear his voice in the streets.