2 Timothy 4:5

But you should be sober-minded about everything, [willing to] endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

2 Timothy 1:8

So, do not be ashamed to testify for our Lord, or ashamed of [being associated with] me, His prisoner, but [be willing to] suffer hardship with me for the sake of the Gospel, relying on God's power [to sustain you].

Acts 21:8

The next day we left and came to Caesarea, where we went to the house of Philip, the evangelist, who had been one of the seven ["deacons" chosen by the Jerusalem church to minister to widows, See Acts 6]. We stayed with him [while there].

Colossians 4:17

And tell Archippus [Note: He may have been the preacher at Colosse or Laodicia. See Philemon 1:1-2], "See to it that you fulfill your ministry [there], which you have received in [the service of] the Lord."

2 Timothy 2:3

[Be willing to] suffer hardship with me like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 4:11

And He gave some people [the gift of being] apostles; and some people prophets; and some people evangelists; and some people pastors [i.e., elders] and teachers,

1 Timothy 4:12

Do not allow anyone to look down on you because you are [so] young, but you should be an example to those who believe [in Christ] in your speech, in your conduct, in your love, in your faith [and] in your purity.

2 Timothy 3:10-12

But you have followed [Note: These words mean "to observe closely, have a keen interest in"] my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance,

Mark 13:34

It is like a man who left his house on a trip to another country. [Before leaving] he put his servants in charge of his affairs, giving each one a [particular] job to do, then he ordered the gatekeeper to stay alert [i.e., while he was gone].

Mark 13:37

And what I am telling you, I am telling everyone. Be alert "

Luke 12:37

Those slaves whom their master finds being watchful when he returns are [certainly] blessed. Truly I tell you, he will fasten his belt [i.e., get things ready] and have them recline [at his dinner table] and will come and serve them.

Acts 20:30-31

[Indeed, even] from among your own selves [i.e., the body of elders there in Ephesus] some men will arise and, by speaking false things, they will lead away the disciples, [influencing them] to follow them.

Romans 15:19

in the power demonstrated by [miraculous] signs and wonders, [produced] by the power of the Holy Spirit. So, I have completed preaching the good news about Christ from Jerusalem, all the way around [the area] to Illyricum [Note: This country was located northwest of Greece and in present-day Croatia].

Colossians 1:25

I was made a minister of the church according to the task given to me by God to fully present His message to you.

1 Thessalonians 5:6

So then, we should not be [spiritually] asleep, like the rest [i.e., the unsaved world], but we should be alert and sober [i.e., in control of our senses].

1 Timothy 4:15

Be attentive to these things [i.e., all of the foregoing]; be involved in [practicing] them, so that your progress [in the ministry] will be evident to everyone.

2 Timothy 2:10

So, I endure everything for the elect's sake [i.e., God's people], so that they can obtain the salvation which comes through Christ Jesus, with [its] never ending splendor.

Hebrews 13:17

[You should] obey your leaders [Note: This probably refers to church elders] and submit to their oversight, for they look out for [the welfare of] your souls as men who will give an accounting [for your spiritual progress]. [Be obedient], so that they will be able to do this joyfully and not with sorrow, for that would be unprofitable to you.

1 Peter 1:13

So, gather your thoughts together for action, take control of yourselves and focus your hope completely on God's unearned favor, which will be brought to you by Jesus Christ when He returns.

Revelation 3:2

Wake up, and strengthen what remains [i.e., those few in the church who were trying to stay faithful], who are about to die. For I have not found [any] of your deeds to be complete before my God.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

General references

Bible References


2 Timothy 1:8
So, do not be ashamed to testify for our Lord, or ashamed of [being associated with] me, His prisoner, but [be willing to] suffer hardship with me for the sake of the Gospel, relying on God's power [to sustain you].
2 Timothy 2:3
[Be willing to] suffer hardship with me like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:10
But you have followed [Note: These words mean "to observe closely, have a keen interest in"] my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance,


Acts 21:8
The next day we left and came to Caesarea, where we went to the house of Philip, the evangelist, who had been one of the seven ["deacons" chosen by the Jerusalem church to minister to widows, See Acts 6]. We stayed with him [while there].
Ephesians 4:11
And He gave some people [the gift of being] apostles; and some people prophets; and some people evangelists; and some people pastors [i.e., elders] and teachers,
1 Timothy 4:12
Do not allow anyone to look down on you because you are [so] young, but you should be an example to those who believe [in Christ] in your speech, in your conduct, in your love, in your faith [and] in your purity.

Make full proof of

Romans 15:19
in the power demonstrated by [miraculous] signs and wonders, [produced] by the power of the Holy Spirit. So, I have completed preaching the good news about Christ from Jerusalem, all the way around [the area] to Illyricum [Note: This country was located northwest of Greece and in present-day Croatia].
Colossians 1:25
I was made a minister of the church according to the task given to me by God to fully present His message to you.
Colossians 4:17
And tell Archippus [Note: He may have been the preacher at Colosse or Laodicia. See Philemon 1:1-2], "See to it that you fulfill your ministry [there], which you have received in [the service of] the Lord."

General references

Matthew 25:13
Therefore, you should be watchful, for you do not know the day or hour [i.e., when the Son of man will return].