Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

General references

Bible References


Acts 24:21
other than for this one statement which I had shouted out as I stood among them, ‘For the resurrection of the dead I am on trial before you today.’”
Acts 26:6
And now I am standing trial for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers.
Acts 28:20
For this reason I have asked to see you and talk with you, since it is for the sake of the hope of Israel (the Messiah, the resurrection) that I am bound with this chain.”


Acts 23:6
But recognizing that one group were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, Paul began affirming loudly in the Council chamber, “Kinsmen, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees; I am on trial for the hope and resurrection of the dead!”
Job 19:25

“For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives,
And at the last He will take His stand upon the earth.
Daniel 12:2
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake (resurrect), these to everlasting life, but some to disgrace and everlasting contempt (abhorrence).
Matthew 22:31
But as to the resurrection of the dead—have you not read [in the Scripture] what God said to you:
John 5:28
Do not be surprised at this; for a time is coming when all those who are in the tombs will hear His voice,
1 Corinthians 15:12
Now if Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how is it that some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
Philippians 3:21
who, by exerting that power which enables Him even to subject everything to Himself, will [not only] transform [but completely refashion] our earthly bodies so that they will be like His glorious resurrected body.
1 Thessalonians 4:14
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again [as in fact He did], even so God [in this same way—by raising them from the dead] will bring with Him those [believers] who have fallen asleep in Jesus.
Revelation 20:6
Blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) and holy is the person who takes part in the first resurrection; over these the second death [which is eternal separation from God, the lake of fire] has no power or authority, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with Him a thousand years.

General references

Daniel 6:5
Then these men said, “We will not find any basis for an accusation against this Daniel unless we find something against him in connection with the law of his God.”