Acts 27:10

saying to them, "Men, I perceive that the voyage is going {to end} with disaster and great loss, not only of the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives!"

Genesis 41:16-25

Then Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, "{It is not in my power}; God will answer [concerning] the well-being of Pharaoh."

Genesis 41:38-39

Then Pharaoh said to his servants, "Can we find a man like this in whom is the spirit of God?"

2 Kings 6:9-10

Then the man of God sent to the king of Israel, saying, "Take care while crossing over to this place, because [the] Arameans [are] descending there."

Psalm 25:14

Intimate fellowship with Yahweh [is] for those who fear him, and [he] makes known his covenant to them.

Daniel 2:30

And as for me, [it is] not because of wisdom that is in me more than {any other living person} [that] this mystery is revealed to me, but {in order that} the explanation may be made known to the king and you will {understand} the thoughts of your {mind}.

Amos 3:7

Surely my Lord does not do anything unless he has revealed his secret to his servants the prophets.

Acts 27:20-26

But [when] neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and [with] not a little bad weather confronting [us], finally all hope was abandoned [that] we would be saved.

Acts 27:31

Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, "Unless these [men] remain with the ship, you cannot be saved!"

Acts 27:34

Therefore I urge you to take [some] food, for this is necessary for your preservation. For not a hair from your head will be lost."

Acts 27:41-44

But falling into a place of crosscurrents, they ran the ship aground. And the bow stuck fast [and] stayed immovable, but the stern was being broken up by the violence.

1 Peter 4:18

And if the righteous are saved with difficulty, {what will become of the ungodly and the sinner}?

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And said unto them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives.

Damage, or, injury

Bible References

I perceive

Acts 27:21
And [because] many were experiencing lack of appetite, at that time Paul stood up in their midst [and] said, "Men, [you] ought to have followed my [advice] not to put out to sea from Crete, and [thus] avoided this damage and loss!
Genesis 41:16
Then Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, "{It is not in my power}; God will answer [concerning] the well-being of Pharaoh."
2 Kings 6:9
Then the man of God sent to the king of Israel, saying, "Take care while crossing over to this place, because [the] Arameans [are] descending there."
Psalm 25:14
Intimate fellowship with Yahweh [is] for those who fear him, and [he] makes known his covenant to them.
Daniel 2:30
And as for me, [it is] not because of wisdom that is in me more than {any other living person} [that] this mystery is revealed to me, but {in order that} the explanation may be made known to the king and you will {understand} the thoughts of your {mind}.
Amos 3:7
Surely my Lord does not do anything unless he has revealed his secret to his servants the prophets.

Damage, or, injury

Acts 27:20
But [when] neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and [with] not a little bad weather confronting [us], finally all hope was abandoned [that] we would be saved.
1 Peter 4:18
And if the righteous are saved with difficulty, {what will become of the ungodly and the sinner}?