Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

General references

Bible References


Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, I will greatly increase thy travail and thy pregnancy; with pain thou shalt bear children; and to thy husband shall be thy desire, and he shall rule over thee.
Esther 1:20
and when the king's edict which he shall make shall be heard throughout his realm for it is great all the wives shall give to their husbands honour, from the greatest to the least.
1 Corinthians 11:3
But I wish you to know that the Christ is the head of every man, but woman's head is the man, and the Christ's head God.
1 Corinthians 14:34
Let your women be silent in the assemblies, for it is not permitted to them to speak; but to be in subjection, as the law also says.
Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord,
1 Timothy 2:12
but I do not suffer a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over man, but to be in quietness;
Titus 2:4
that they may admonish the young women to be attached to their husbands, to be attached to their children,
1 Peter 3:1
Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, that, even if any are disobedient to the word, they may be gained without the word by the conversation of the wives,


Acts 5:29
But Peter answering, and the apostles, said, God must be obeyed rather than men.
Ephesians 5:3
But fornication and all uncleanness or unbridled lust, let it not be even named among you, as it becomes saints;
Ephesians 6:1
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is just.

General references

1 Timothy 2:11
Let a woman learn in quietness in all subjection;