Deuteronomy 15:7

“If there is a poor man among you, one of your fellow Israelites, in any of your cities in the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not be heartless, nor close-fisted with your poor brother;

Deuteronomy 15:9

Beware that there is no wicked thought in your heart, saying, ‘The seventh year, the year of release (remission, pardon), is approaching,’ and your eye is hostile (unsympathetic) toward your poor brother, and you give him nothing [since he would not have to repay you]; for he may cry out to the Lord against you, and it will become a sin for you.

Proverbs 21:13

Whoever shuts his ears at the cry of the poor
Will cry out himself and not be answered.

Matthew 18:30

But he was unwilling and he went and had him thrown in prison until he paid back the debt.

James 2:15-16

If a brother or sister is without [adequate] clothing and lacks [enough] food for each day,

1 John 3:16-17

By this we know [and have come to understand the depth and essence of His precious] love: that He [willingly] laid down His life for us [because He loved us]. And we ought to lay down our lives for the believers.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother:

Bible References

Thou shalt

Deuteronomy 15:9
Beware that there is no wicked thought in your heart, saying, ‘The seventh year, the year of release (remission, pardon), is approaching,’ and your eye is hostile (unsympathetic) toward your poor brother, and you give him nothing [since he would not have to repay you]; for he may cry out to the Lord against you, and it will become a sin for you.
Proverbs 21:13

Whoever shuts his ears at the cry of the poor
Will cry out himself and not be answered.
Matthew 18:30
But he was unwilling and he went and had him thrown in prison until he paid back the debt.
James 2:15
If a brother or sister is without [adequate] clothing and lacks [enough] food for each day,
1 John 3:16
By this we know [and have come to understand the depth and essence of His precious] love: that He [willingly] laid down His life for us [because He loved us]. And we ought to lay down our lives for the believers.