Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


That thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.

Bible References

And thy son

Deuteronomy 6:7
and thou hast repeated them to thy sons, and spoken of them in thy sitting in thine house, and in thy walking in the way, and in thy lying down, and in thy rising up,
Genesis 18:19
for I have known him, that he commandeth his children, and his house after him (and they have kept the way of Jehovah), to do righteousness and judgment, that Jehovah may bring on Abraham that which He hath spoken concerning him.'
Psalm 78:4
We do not hide from their sons, To a later generation recounting praises of Jehovah, And His strength, and His wonders that He hath done.

Thy days

Deuteronomy 4:40
and thou hast kept His statutes and His commands which I am commanding thee to-day, so that it is well to thee, and to thy sons after thee, and so that thou prolongest days on the ground which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- all the days.'
Deuteronomy 5:16
'Honour thy father and thy mother, as Jehovah thy God hath commanded thee, so that thy days are prolonged, and so that it is well with thee, on the ground which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee.
Deuteronomy 22:7
thou dost certainly send away the mother, and the young ones dost take to thyself, so that it is well with thee, and thou hast prolonged days.
Proverbs 3:1
My son! my law forget not, And my commands let thy heart keep,
1 Peter 3:10
for 'he who is willing to love life, and to see good days, let him guard his tongue from evil, and his lips -- not to speak guile;

General references

Leviticus 19:37
and ye have observed all my statutes, and all my judgments, and have done them; I am Jehovah.'
Deuteronomy 6:17
ye do diligently keep the commands of Jehovah your God, and His testimonies, and His statutes which He hath commanded thee,
Deuteronomy 8:1
'All the command which I am commanding thee to-day ye observe to do, so that ye live, and have multiplied, and gone in, and possessed the land which Jehovah hath sworn to your fathers;
Job 42:17
and Job dieth, aged and satisfied with days.
Proverbs 9:11
For by me do thy days multiply, And added to thee are years of life.
Luke 1:75
To serve Him, in holiness and righteousness Before Him, all the days of our life.