Ecclesiastes 2:1

I Said in my heart, Go now, I will prove thee with gladness, and look thou upon good: and behold, this also vanity.

Ecclesiastes 8:15

And I praised joy, because there is no good to man under the sun but to eat and to drink, and to rejoice: for this shall lodge with him in his labor the days of his life which God gave to him under the sun.

Luke 12:19

And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast many good things laid up for many years; rest, eat, drink, be gladdened.

Genesis 11:3-4

And they shall say a man to his neighbor, Come, we will make bricks, and we will burn to a burning, and brick shall be to them for stone, and potter's clay shall be to them for potter's clay.

Genesis 11:7

Come, we will come down and mix their lip that they shall not hear a man the lip of his neighbor.

2 Kings 5:5

And the king of Aram will say, Go; come, I will send a letter to the king of Israel. And he will go and take in his hand ten talents of silver and six thousand of gold, and ten changes of garments.

Psalm 10:6

Saying in his heart, I shall not be moved: to generation and generation for not in evil.

Psalm 14:1

To the overseer; of David. The fool said in his heart, No God. They were corrupted, they made their; works abominable, none doing good.

Psalm 27:8

My heart said to thee, Seek .ye my face; thy face, O Jehovah, I will seek.

Psalm 30:6-7

And I said in my security, I shall not be moved forever.

Ecclesiastes 1:16-17

It spake with my heart, saying, Behold, I was magnified, and added wisdom over all that were before me at Jerusalem: and my heart saw much of wisdom and knowledge.

Ecclesiastes 2:15

And I said in my heart, As the event of the foolish one, also I, it will meet me; and wherefore then was I more wise? And I spake in my heart, This is also vanity.

Ecclesiastes 3:17-18

I said in my heart, The just one and the unjust one, God will judge: for a time for every inclination and for every work there.

Ecclesiastes 7:4

The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; and the heart of the foolish in the house of gladness.

Ecclesiastes 11:9

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and thy heart shall do thee good in the days of thy youth, and go in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: and know thou, that for all these God will bring thee into judgment

Isaiah 5:5

And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down.

Isaiah 50:5

The Lord Jehovah opened to me the ear and I opposed not, and I drew not back.

Isaiah 50:11

Behold, all ye kindling a fire, girding yourselves with fiery darts: go ye in the light of your fire, and in the fiery darts ye kindled. From my hand was this to you; ye shall lie down for sorrow.

Luke 16:19

A certain man was rich, and was clothed in purple and fine linen, being daily splendidly gladdened:

Luke 16:23

And in hades, having lifted up his eyes, being in torments, he sees Abraham from far off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

Titus 3:3

For once we also were unwise disobedient, deceived, being slaves to eager desires and various pleasures, living in vexation and envy, hated, and hating one another.

James 4:13

Come on now, ye saying, To day or to morrow let us go to this city, and do there one year, and let us trade, and derive profit:

James 5:1

Come on now, ye rich, weep, uttering loud cries of grief for the misfortunes coming upon you.

James 5:5

Ye have led a luxurious life upon the earth, and have rioted in luxury; ye have nourished your hearts, as in the day of slaughter.

Revelation 18:7-8

As much as she glorified herself, and led an insolent life, give her so much torture and grief: for in her heart she says, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and I should see no grief.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Ecclesiastes 2:15
And I said in my heart, As the event of the foolish one, also I, it will meet me; and wherefore then was I more wise? And I spake in my heart, This is also vanity.
Ecclesiastes 1:16
It spake with my heart, saying, Behold, I was magnified, and added wisdom over all that were before me at Jerusalem: and my heart saw much of wisdom and knowledge.
Ecclesiastes 3:17
I said in my heart, The just one and the unjust one, God will judge: for a time for every inclination and for every work there.
Psalm 10:6
Saying in his heart, I shall not be moved: to generation and generation for not in evil.
Psalm 14:1
To the overseer; of David. The fool said in his heart, No God. They were corrupted, they made their; works abominable, none doing good.
Psalm 27:8
My heart said to thee, Seek .ye my face; thy face, O Jehovah, I will seek.
Psalm 30:6
And I said in my security, I shall not be moved forever.
Luke 12:19
And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast many good things laid up for many years; rest, eat, drink, be gladdened.

Go to

Genesis 11:3
And they shall say a man to his neighbor, Come, we will make bricks, and we will burn to a burning, and brick shall be to them for stone, and potter's clay shall be to them for potter's clay.
2 Kings 5:5
And the king of Aram will say, Go; come, I will send a letter to the king of Israel. And he will go and take in his hand ten talents of silver and six thousand of gold, and ten changes of garments.
Isaiah 5:5
And now I will make known to you now what I do to my vineyard, taking away its hedge, and it was for consuming, breaking down its wall, and it was for a treading down.
James 4:13
Come on now, ye saying, To day or to morrow let us go to this city, and do there one year, and let us trade, and derive profit:
James 5:1
Come on now, ye rich, weep, uttering loud cries of grief for the misfortunes coming upon you.

I will

Ecclesiastes 8:15
And I praised joy, because there is no good to man under the sun but to eat and to drink, and to rejoice: for this shall lodge with him in his labor the days of his life which God gave to him under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 11:9
Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and thy heart shall do thee good in the days of thy youth, and go in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: and know thou, that for all these God will bring thee into judgment
Isaiah 50:5
The Lord Jehovah opened to me the ear and I opposed not, and I drew not back.
Luke 16:19
A certain man was rich, and was clothed in purple and fine linen, being daily splendidly gladdened:
James 5:5
Ye have led a luxurious life upon the earth, and have rioted in luxury; ye have nourished your hearts, as in the day of slaughter.
Titus 3:3
For once we also were unwise disobedient, deceived, being slaves to eager desires and various pleasures, living in vexation and envy, hated, and hating one another.
Revelation 18:7
As much as she glorified herself, and led an insolent life, give her so much torture and grief: for in her heart she says, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and I should see no grief.