Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Bible References


Ecclesiastes 2:12
Next, I considered wisdom, as well as delusion and folly. What can anyone [do] who will come after the king that has not already been done?
Ecclesiastes 4:1
I looked again, and I saw all the oppression that occurs under the sun. {I saw the tears of the oppressed-- no one comforts them! Those who oppress them are powerful-- no one can comfort them}!
Malachi 3:18
You will return and see [the difference] between [the] righteous and [the] wicked, between [the one who] serves God and the one who does not serve him.

That the race

1 Samuel 17:50
So David prevailed over the Philistine with the sling and with the stone, and he struck down the Philistine and killed him, but there was no sword in David's hand.
2 Samuel 2:18
The three sons of Zeruiah were there, Joab and Abishai and Asahel. Now Asahel [was] swift with his feet as one of the gazelles which [is] in the open field.
2 Samuel 17:14
Then Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Arkite [is] better than the advice of Ahithophel." (Now Yahweh had ordained to frustrate the good counsel of Ahithophel in order for Yahweh to bring misery upon Absalom).
Psalm 33:16
The king [is] not saved by [the] greatness of an army. The warrior is not delivered by [the] greatness of strength.
Psalm 73:6
Therefore pride is their necklace; an outfit of violence covers them.
Psalm 147:10
He does not delight in the strength of the horse; he takes no pleasure in the legs of the man.
Jeremiah 9:23
Thus says Yahweh, "[The] wise man must not boast in his wisdom, and the warrior must not boast in his might, [the] wealthy man must not boast in his wealth.
Jeremiah 46:6
The swift cannot flee, and the warrior cannot escape. They have stumbled and they have fallen, by the bank of the Euphrates River.
Amos 2:14
Flight will perish from [the] swift and [the] strong person will not muster his strength and [the] warrior will not save his life.


Ecclesiastes 2:14
{The wise man can see where he is walking}, but the fool walks in darkness. Yet I also realized that both of them suffer the same fate.
Ecclesiastes 3:14
I know everything God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it, for God so acts that humans might stand in awe before him.
Ecclesiastes 7:13
Consider the work of God. For who is able to make straight what he made crooked?
1 Samuel 2:3
Do not increase speaking {very proud} words! Let no arrogance go forth from your mouth, for Yahweh is a God of knowledge [whose] deeds are not weighed.
Job 5:11
to set [the] lowly on high, and [those] mourning are lifted to safety.
Job 34:29
but he remains quiet, and who can condemn? And he hides [his] face, and who can behold him? Yet [he is] over a nation and over a person alike,
Proverbs 21:30
There is no wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel to oppose Yahweh.
Lamentations 3:37
{Who can speak} and it will happen [if] the Lord has not commanded [it]?
Daniel 4:35
And all the dwellers of the earth are regarded as nothing, and he does {according to} his desire in the host of heaven and [among] the dwellers of earth, and there is not [one] who can hold back his hand, or {ask him}, 'What are you doing?'
Ephesians 1:11
in whom also we were chosen, having been predestined according to the purpose of the One who works all [things] according to the counsel of his will,

General references

Ecclesiastes 9:13
I have also seen this [example of] wisdom under the sun, and it [seemed] great to me.
Isaiah 40:30
Even young people will be faint and grow weary, and [the] young will stumble, exhausted.
Ezekiel 28:4
By your wisdom and by your understanding you have gained for yourself wealth, and you have amassed gold and silver in your treasuries.