Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Job 33:24
Then hath he shewed him favour, and said, Set him free from going down to the pit, I have found a price of redemption!
Psalm 130:7
Wait, O Israel, for Yahweh, - for, with Yahweh, is lovingkindness, and there aboundeth with him - redemption.
Daniel 9:24
Seventy weeks, have been divided concerning thy people and concerning thy holy city - to put an end to the transgression, and fill up the measure of sin, and put a propitiatory-covering over iniquity, and bring in the righteousness of ages, and affix a seal the vision and prophecy, and anoint the holy of holies.
Zechariah 9:11
As for thee also, - By the blood of thy covenant, have I sent forth thy prisoners out of a pit, wherein is no water.
Zechariah 13:1
In that day, there shall be an opened fountain, for the house of David, and for the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, - for sin and for uncleanness.
Matthew 20:28
Just as, the Son of Man, came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom instead of many.
Matthew 26:28
For, this, is my blood of the covenant, which, for many, is to be poured out, for remission of sins.
Mark 14:24
And he said unto them - This, is, my blood of the covenant, that is to be poured out in behalf of many.
Acts 20:28
Be taking heed unto yourselves, and unto all the little flock in which the Holy Spirit hath set, you, as overseers, - to be shepherding the assembly of God which he hath acquired through means of the blood of his own.
Romans 3:24
Being declared righteous freely by his favour through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: -
1 Corinthians 1:30
But, of him, are, ye, in Christ Jesus, who hath been made wisdom unto us, from God, - both righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
Colossians 1:14
In whom, we have our redemption - the remission of our sins, -
1 Timothy 2:6
Who gave himself a ransom in behalf of all, - the testimony, in its own fit times:
Titus 2:14
Who gave himself up in our behalf, that he might redeem us from all manner of lawlessness, and purify for himself a people as his own treasure - zealous of noble works.
Hebrews 9:12
Nor yet through blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood he entered once for all into the Holy place, age-abiding redemption discovering.
Hebrews 10:4
For it is impossible for blood of bulls and goats to be taking away sins.
1 Peter 1:18
Knowing that, Not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, have ye been redeemed from your unmeaning behaviour paternally handed down,
1 Peter 2:24
Who, our sins, himself, bare up, in his body, unto the tree, in order that we, from our sins getting away, in righteousness, might live, - by whose stripes, ye have been healed;
1 Peter 3:18
Because, Christ also, once for all, concerning sins, died, - Just in behalf of unjust, - in order that he might introduce us unto God; being put to death, indeed, in flesh, but made alive in spirit, -
1 John 2:2
And, he, is, a propitiation, concerning our sins, - and, not concerning our own only, but, also concerning those of the whole world.
1 John 4:10
Herein, is love: not that, we, have loved God, but that, he, loved us, and sent forth his Son, as a propitiation concerning our sins.
Revelation 5:9
and they sing a new song, saying - Worthy, art thou, to take the scroll and to open the seals thereof; because thou wast slain, and didst redeem unto God by thy blood men out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation,
Revelation 14:4
These, are they, who with women, were not defiled, for they are, virgin. These, are they who follow the Lamb whithersoever he is going. These, were redeemed from mankind, as a firstfruit unto God and the Lamb;

The forgiveness

Exodus 34:7
Keeping lovingkindness to a thousand generations, Forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, Though he leave not, utterly unpunished, Visiting the iniquity of fathers, Upon sons, And upon sons' sons, Unto a third and unto a fourth generation.
Psalm 32:1
How happy is he whose transgression is forgiven! whose sin is pardoned!
Psalm 86:5
For, thou, O My Lord, art good and forgiving, And abundant in lovingkindness, to all who call upon thee.
Psalm 130:4
But, with thee, is forgiveness, that thou mayest be revered.
Isaiah 43:25
I - I, am he that is ready, To wipe out thy transgressions for mine own sake, - And, thy sins, not remember.
Isaiah 55:6
Seek Yahweh while he may be found, - Call ye upon him while he is near:
Jeremiah 31:34
Then shall they no longer teach Every man his neighbour, and Every man his brother, saying, Know ye Yahweh, - For, they all, shall know me, From the least of them Even unto the greatest of them, Declareth Yahweh, For I will forgive their iniquity, And their sin, will I remember, no more.
Daniel 9:9
To the Lord our God, belong compassions, and forgivenesses, - for we have rebelled against him;
Jonah 4:2
So he prayed unto Yahweh, and said - Ah now! Yahweh! Was not, this, my word, while I was yet upon mine own soil? For this cause, did I hasten to flee unto Tarshish, - because I knew that, thou, art a GOD of favour and compassion, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness, and art grieved over calamity.
Micah 7:18
Who is a GOD like unto thee, taking away the iniquity - and passing over the transgression - of the remnant of his inheritance? He hath not held fast, perpetually, his anger, for, one who delighteth in lovingkindness, is he!
Luke 1:77
Giving a knowledge of salvation unto his people, by a remission of their sins.
Luke 7:40
And, making answer, Jesus said unto him - Simon! I have, unto thee, something to say. He, then - Teacher, speak! - saith he.
Luke 24:47
And that repentance for remission of sins should be proclaimed upon his name unto all the nations, - beginning from Jerusalem.
John 20:23
Whosesoever sins ye shall remit, they are remitted unto them, whosesoever ye shall retain, they are retained.
Acts 2:38
And Peter said unto them - Repent ye, and let each one of you be immersed, in the name of Jesus Christ, into the remission of your sins, - and ye shall receive the free-gift of the Holy Spirit;
Acts 3:19
Repent ye, therefore, and turn, - unto the blotting out of your sins; to the end that in that case, there may come seasons of refreshing from the face of the Lord,
Acts 10:43
Unto the same, do all the prophets bear witness, That, remission of sins, is to be received through his name, by every one that believeth on him.
Acts 13:38
Be it known unto you, therefore, brethren, - that, through this man, unto you, remission of sins is declared;
Romans 4:6
Just as David also affirmeth the happiness of the man unto whom God reckoneth righteousness apart from works: -
Colossians 2:13
And, as for you - who were, dead, by your offences and by the uncircumcision of your flesh, he hath brought you to life together with him, - having in favour forgiven us all our offences,
Hebrews 10:17
He also saith - of their sins, and of their lawlessnesses, I will in nowise be mindful any more.
1 John 1:7
Whereas, if, in the light, we are walking, as, he, is in the light, we have, fellowship one with another, and, the blood of Jesus his Son, is cleansing us from all sin.
1 John 2:12
I write unto you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven you, for the sake of his name:

General references

Exodus 12:7
And they shall take of the blood, and put upon the two door-posts and upon the upper-beam, - upon the houses wherein they are to eat it.
Exodus 40:6
and thou shalt place the altar for the ascending-sacrifice, - before the opening of the habitation of the tent of meeting;
Leviticus 15:28
But, if she he clean from her flow, then shall she count to her-self seven days and afterwards, shall she count herself clean.
Deuteronomy 15:15
and thou shalt remember that a servant, thou wast in the land of Egypt, and that Yahweh thy God, redeemed thee, - for this cause, am I commanding thee this thing, to-day.
Hebrews 8:12
Because, propitious, will I be as to their unrighteousnesses, and, of their sins, in nowise will I be mindful, any more.