Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

General references

Bible References


Ephesians 1:17
May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, grant you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation for the knowledge of himself,
Ephesians 3:3
how the divine secret was disclosed to me by a revelation (if you read what I have already written briefly about this,
Matthew 13:11
He replied, "Because it is granted you to understand the open secrets of the Realm of heaven, but it is not granted to these people.
Romans 16:25
[Now to Him who can strengthen you by my gospel, by the preaching of Jesus Christ, by revealing the secret purpose which after the silence of long ages
1 Corinthians 2:10
And God has revealed it to us by the Spirit, for the Spirit fathoms everything, even the depths of God.
Galatians 1:12
no man put it into my hands, no man taught me what it meant, I had it by a revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Timothy 3:16
And who does not admit how profound is the divine truth of our religion? ??it is He who was "manifest in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by the angels, preached among the nations, believed on throughout the world, taken up to glory."


Ephesians 3:11
in terms of the eternal purpose which he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Acts 2:23
this Jesus, betrayed in the predestined course of God's deliberate purpose, you got wicked men to nail to the cross and murder;
Acts 4:28
mustering to carry out what thy hand had traced, thy purpose had decreed.
Acts 13:48
When the Gentiles heard this they rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord and believed, that is, all who had been ordained to eternal life;
Romans 8:28
We know also that those who love God, those who have been called in terms of his purpose, have his aid and interest in everything.
2 Timothy 1:9
who has saved us and called us to a life of consecration ??not for anything we have done but because he chose to do it himself, by the grace which he gave us ages ago in Christ Jesus

General references

Ephesians 3:11
in terms of the eternal purpose which he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord,