Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

General references

Bible References


Ephesians 4:17
This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other gentiles walk; in vanity of their mind,
Ephesians 2:3
among which we also had our conversation in time past, in the lusts of our flesh, and fulfilled the will of the flesh, and of the mind: and were naturally the children of wrath, even as well as others.
Galatians 1:13
For ye have heard of my conversation in times past in the Jews' ways, how that beyond measure I persecuted the congregation of God, and spoiled it:
Colossians 3:7
In which things ye walked once, when ye lived in them.
1 Peter 1:18
Forasmuch as ye know how that ye were not redeemed with corruptible gold and silver from your vain conversation, which ye received by the traditions of the fathers,
1 Peter 4:3
For it is sufficient for us that we have spent the time that is past of the life, after the will of the gentiles; walking in wantonness, lusts, drunkenness, in eating, drinking, and in abominable idolatry.
2 Peter 2:7
And just Lot, vexed with the uncleanly conversation of the wicked, delivered he -

The old

Romans 6:6
This we must remember, that our old man is crucified with him also, that the body of sin might utterly be destroyed; that henceforth we should not be servants of sin.
Colossians 3:9
Lie not one to another, that the old man with his works be put off,


Proverbs 11:18
The labour of the ungodly prospereth not; but he that showeth righteousness, shall receive a sure reward.
Jeremiah 49:16
Thy high stomach and the pride of thy heart have deceived thee; Because thou wilt dwell in the holes of stony rocks, and have the high mountains in possession. Nevertheless, though thy nest were as high as the Eagles, yet will I cast thee down, sayeth the LORD.
Obadiah 1:3
The pride of thine heart hath lift thee up, thou that dwellest in the strongholds of stone, and hast made thee a high seat. Thou sayest in thine heart, "Who shall cast me down to the ground?"
Romans 7:11
For sin took occasion by the means of the commandment and so deceived me, and by the selfsame commandment, slew me.
Titus 3:3
For we ourselves also were in times past, unwise, disobedient, deceived, in danger to lusts, and to divers manners of voluptuousness, living in maliciousness and envy, full of hate, hating one another.
Hebrews 3:13
but exhort one another daily, while it is called today, lest any of you wax hard hearted through the deceitfulness of sin.
James 1:26
If any man among you seem devout, and refrain not his tongue: but deceive his own heart, this man's devotion is in vain.
2 Peter 2:13
and receive the reward of unrighteousness. They count it pleasure to live deliciously for a season. Spots they are, and filthiness, living at pleasure, and in deceitful ways feasting with you:

General references

Proverbs 23:3
and if thou wilt rule thy own self, be not over greedy of his meat, for meat beguileth and deceiveth.