Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

Is thy neighbour's

General references

Bible References

Thy neighbour's house

Genesis 3:6
When the woman saw that the tree produced good food, was attractive in appearance, and was desirable for making one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate it. Then she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate some, too.
Genesis 14:23
that I will not take a thread or a sandal strap or anything that belongs to you, so you won't be able to say, "I made Abram rich.'
Genesis 34:23
Shouldn't all their cattle, acquisitions, and animals belong to us? So, let's give our consent to them, and then they'll live with us."
Joshua 7:21
I noticed among the war spoils a beautiful mantle from Shinar, 200 shekels of silver, and a bar of gold weighing 50 shekels. Because I wanted them, I took them, and they're buried in the ground inside my tent. The silver is underneath."
1 Samuel 15:19
Why didn't you obey the LORD, but grabbed the spoil and did evil in the LORD's sight?"
Psalm 10:3
For the wicked one boasts about his own desire; he blesses the greedy and despises the LORD.
Psalm 119:36
Turn my heart to your decrees and away from unjust gain.
Ecclesiastes 4:8
Consider someone who is alone, having neither son nor brother. There is no end to all of his work, and he is never satisfied with wealth. "So for whom do I work," he asks, "and deprive myself of pleasure?" This, too, is pointless and a terrible tragedy.
Ecclesiastes 5:10
Whoever loves money will never have enough money. Whoever loves luxury will not be content with abundance. This also is pointless.
Isaiah 33:15
The one who walks righteously and has spoken sincere words, who rejects gain from extortion and waves his hand, rejecting bribes, who blocks his ears from hearing plots of murder and shuts his eyes against seeing evil
Isaiah 57:17
Because of his wicked greed I was angry, so I punished him; and I hid my face, and was angry but he kept turning back to his stubborn will.
Jeremiah 22:17
But your eyes and heart are on nothing but your dishonest gain, shedding the blood of innocent people, and practicing oppression and extortion."
Ezekiel 33:31
Then they come to you as a group, sit down right in front of you as if they were my people, hear your words and then they don't do what you say because they're seeking only their own desires, they pursue ill-gotten profits, and they keep following their own self-interests.
Amos 2:6
This is what the LORD says: "For three transgressions of Israel and now for a fourth I will not turn away; because they sold the righteous for money, and the poor for sandals,
Micah 2:2
They covet fields and seize them; they covet houses, and grab them, too. They harass the valiant man, along with his household, an individual and his estate.
Habakkuk 2:9
"Woe to the one who amasses profit upon unjust profit in order to establish his household, so he can establish a secure place on the heights and escape from the power of evil.
Luke 12:15
Then he told them, "Be careful to guard yourselves against every kind of greed, because a person's life doesn't consist of the amount of possessions he has."
Luke 16:14
Now the Pharisees, who love money, had been listening to all this and began to ridicule Jesus.
Acts 20:33
I never desired anyone's silver, gold, or clothes.
Romans 7:7
What should we say, then? Is the Law sinful? Of course not! In fact, I wouldn't have become aware of sin if it had not been for the Law. I wouldn't have known what it means to covet if the Law had not said, "You must not covet."
1 Corinthians 6:10
thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Philippians 3:19
Their destiny is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in their shame. Their minds are set on worldly things.
Colossians 3:5
So put to death your worldly impulses: sexual sin, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed (which is idolatry).
1 Timothy 6:6
Of course, godliness with contentment does bring a great profit.
Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for God has said, "I will never leave you or abandon you."


2 Samuel 11:2
Late one afternoon about dusk, David got up from his couch and was walking around on the roof of the royal palace. From there he watched a woman taking a bath, and she was very beautiful to look at.
Job 31:1
"I made a covenant with my eyes; how, then, can I focus my attention on a virgin?
Proverbs 4:23
Above everything else guard your heart, because from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 6:24
to protect you from the evil woman, from the words of the seductive woman.
Jeremiah 5:8
They were well-fed, lusty stallions, each one neighing after his neighbor's wife.
Matthew 5:28
But I say to you, anyone who stares at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Is thy neighbour's

Matthew 20:15
I am allowed to do what I want with my own money, am I not? Or are you envious because I'm generous?'
Acts 5:4
As long as it remained unsold, wasn't it your own? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? So how could you have thought of doing what you did? You didn't lie only to men, but also to God!"

General references

Deuteronomy 5:21
""You are not to desire your neighbor's wife nor crave your neighbor's house, his fields, his male and female servants, his ox, his donkey, nor anything that pertains to your neighbor.'"

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