Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.

Bible References

As the people cometh

Ezekiel 8:1
And it was in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth of the month, I was sitting in my house, and the elders of Judah were sitting before me. And the hand of the Lord Jehovah fell on me there.
Ezekiel 14:1
And some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat before me.
Ezekiel 20:1
And it happened in the seventh year, in the fifth month, the tenth of the month, some of the elders of Israel came to ask of Jehovah, and sat before me.
Luke 10:39
And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word.
Acts 10:33
Therefore I immediately sent to you, and you have done well to come. Now therefore we are all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded you by God.

They sit before thee as my people

Jeremiah 6:16
So says Jehovah, Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths where the good way is, and walk in it, and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk in it.
Jeremiah 43:1
And it happened when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking to all the people all the Words of Jehovah their God, for which Jehovah their God had sent him to them, all these Words,
Jeremiah 44:16
As for the Word that you have spoken to us in the name of Jehovah, we will not listen to you.
Matthew 7:24
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock.
Luke 6:48
He is like a man who built a house and dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock; and a flood occurring, the stream burst against that house and could not shake it; for it was founded on a rock.
Luke 8:21
And He answered and said to them, My mother and My brothers are those who hear the Word of God and do it.
Luke 11:28
But He said, No; rather, blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep it.
James 1:22
But become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

For with

Deuteronomy 5:28
And Jehovah heard the voice of your words when you spoke to me. And Jehovah said to me, I have heard the voice of the words of this people, which they have spoken to you. They have well said all that they have spoken.
Psalm 78:36
But they flattered Him with their mouths, and they lied to Him with their tongues.
Isaiah 29:13
And Jehovah said, Because this people draw near Me with their mouth, and with their lips honor Me, but have removed their heart far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the command of men;
James 2:14
My brothers, what profit is it if a man says he has faith and does not have works? Can faith save him?
1 John 3:17
But whoever has this world's goods and sees his brother having need, and shuts up his bowels from him, how does the love of God dwell in him?

Shew much love

Isaiah 28:13
But the Word of Jehovah was to them precept on precept, precept on precept; line on line, line on line; here a little, there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken and snared and taken.
Jeremiah 23:33
And when this people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask you, saying, What is the burden of Jehovah? You shall then say to them, What burden? I will even forsake you, says Jehovah.
Luke 16:14
And being money-lovers, all the Pharisees also heard all these things. And they derided Him.

But their

Matthew 6:24
No one can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
Matthew 13:22
And that sown into the thorns is this: he who hears the Word; and the anxiety of this world, and the deceit of riches, choke the Word, and he becomes unfruitful.
Matthew 19:22
But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.
Luke 12:15
And He said to them, Watch and keep yourselves from covetousness. For a man's life is not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.
Ephesians 5:5
For you know this, that no fornicator, or unclean person, or covetous one (who is an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
1 Timothy 6:9
But they who will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which plunge men into destruction and perdition.

General references

Numbers 22:8
And he said to them, Stay here tonight, and I will bring you word again, as Jehovah shall speak to me. And the leaders of Moab stayed with Balaam.
Proverbs 23:12
Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to the words of knowledge.
Mark 10:20
And he answered and said to Him, Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth.
James 1:23
For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man studying his natural face in a mirror.