Ezekiel 34:20

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah to them: Behold me I also judged between fat sheep and between lean sheep.

Psalm 22:12-16

Many bulls surrounded me: the strong of Bashan surrounded me.

Ezekiel 34:10

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Behold me against the shepherds; and I sought my flock from their hand, and I caused them to cease from feeding the sheep: and the shepherds shall no more feed themselves; and I delivered my flock from their face, and they shall not be to them for consuming.

Ezekiel 34:17

And ye, my sheep, thus said the Lord Jehovah; Behold me judging between sheep to sheep, to the rams and to the he goats.

Matthew 25:31-46

And when the Son of man should come in his glory, and all his holy messengers with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

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