Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Neither shall any priest drink wine, when they enter into the inner court.

Bible References

General references

Leviticus 10:9
Do not drink wine or intoxicating drink, neither you nor your sons with you, when you come into the Tent of Meeting, so that you will not die—it is a permanent statute throughout your generations—
Luke 1:15
for he will be great and distinguished in the sight of the Lord; and will never drink wine or liquor, and he will be filled with and empowered to act by the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.
1 Timothy 3:8
Deacons likewise must be men worthy of respect [honorable, financially ethical, of good character], not double-tongued [speakers of half-truths], not addicted to wine, not greedy for dishonest gain,
1 Timothy 5:23
No longer continue drinking [only] water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
Titus 1:7
For the overseer, as God’s steward, must be blameless, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest gain [but financially ethical].