Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

General references

Bible References


Galatians 3:8
And the Scripture, foreseeing that in consequence of faith God would declare the nations to be free from guilt, sent beforehand the Good News to Abraham, saying, "In you all the nations shall be blessed."


Galatians 3:27
for all of you who have been baptized into Christ, have clothed yourselves with Christ.
Romans 12:5
so collectively we form one body in Christ, while individually we are linked to one another as its members.
1 Corinthians 12:12
For just as the human body is one and yet has many parts, and all its parts, many as they are, constitute but one body, so it is with the Church of Christ.
Ephesians 4:15
But we shall lovingly hold to the truth, and shall in all respects grow up into union with Him who is our Head, even Christ.
Ephesians 5:29
For never yet has a man hated his own body. On the contrary he feeds and cherishes it, just as Christ feeds and cherishes the Church;
Colossians 2:19
Such a one does not keep his hold upon Christ, the Head, from whom the Body, in all its parts nourished and strengthened by its points of contact and its connections, grows with a divine growth.
Colossians 3:11
In that new creation there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free man, but Christ is everything and is in all of us.

General references

Luke 1:55
In fulfillment of His promises to our forefathers--For Abraham and his posterity for ever."