Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Hebrews 11:2
For by it the elders receive the witness of the Spirit.


Luke 16:28
for I have five brothers; in order that he may testify to them, that they may not also come to this place of the torment.
John 3:32
the one being of the earth is of the earth, and speaks of the earth. The one coming from heaven witnesses what He has seen and heard, and no one receives His testimony.
John 4:39
But many of the Samaritans from that city believed on Him through the word of the woman, testifying that, He told me all things which I did. Then when the Samaritans came to Him they asked Him to abide with them:
1 Peter 5:12
Through Silvanus, the faithful brother, as I consider, I have written unto you briefly, exhorting, and witnessing that this same grace of God is true in which you may stand.
Revelation 22:16
I Jesus sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning-star.

Let us lay

Matthew 10:37
He that loveth father and mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Luke 8:14
And that which falleth among thorns, there are those who hear, and going forward, by the cares and riches and pleasures are choked out, and bring forth no fruit to perfection.
Luke 9:59
And He said to another, Follow thou me. And he said, Lord, permit me first having gone away to bury my father.
Luke 12:15
And He said to them, See, and beware of all covetousness: because his life is not in that which aboundeth to any one, from those things belonging to him.
Luke 14:26
If any one comes to me, and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and even yet his own soul, he is not able to be my disciple.
Luke 18:22
And Jesus hearing these things, said to him, Still one thing is lacking to thee: Sell all things whatsoever you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.
Luke 21:34
But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts may be burdened with luxury, and drunkenness, and worldly cares, and that day may come on you unanticipated.
Romans 13:11
And recognizing this time, that it is already the hour we should wake out of sleep: for now our salvation is nearer than when we believed.
2 Corinthians 7:1
Therefore having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
Ephesians 4:22
that with reference to your former life, you are to lay aside the old man, who is corrupt in the lusts of deception;
Colossians 3:5
Therefore kill your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry;
1 Timothy 6:9
But those wishing to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown the people in destruction and perdition.
2 Timothy 2:4
No one operating as a soldier is entangled with the affairs of life; in order that he may please his commander.
1 Peter 2:1
Therefore having laid aside all evil, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envyings, and all calumniations;
1 Peter 4:2
that he may no longer live the remaining time in carnality according to the lusts of men, but in the will of God.
1 John 2:15
Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world. If any one loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him:

And the sin

Hebrews 10:35
Therefore cast not away your confidence, which has great reward.

And let us

1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that those running in the stadium, indeed all run, and one receives the prize? So run, that you may receive it.
Galatians 5:7
You were running well; who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth?
Philippians 2:16
having the word of life; unto my boasting in the day of Christ, because I did not run in vain, neither did I labor in vain.
Philippians 3:10
to know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

With patience

Hebrews 6:15
and thus having waited long, he received the promise.
Hebrews 10:36
For you have need of patience, in order that, having done the will of God, you will inherit the promise.
Matthew 10:22
And you will be hated by all on account of my name: but he that persevereth unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Matthew 24:13
But the one persevering to the end, the same shall be saved.
Luke 8:15
And that which is in the good ground, are those whosoever hearing the word in a beautiful and good heart, retain it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
Romans 2:7
to those indeed who with patience of good work are seeking glory and honor and immortality, eternal life:
Romans 5:3
And not only so, but let us also rejoice in tribulation; knowing that tribulation works out endurance;
Romans 8:24
For we are saved by hope: but hope which is seen is not hope: for why does any one indeed hope for that which he sees?
Romans 12:12
rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing steadfastly in prayer;
James 1:3
Knowing that the trial of your faith works out endurance.
James 5:7
Therefore, O brethren, suffer long, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer receives the precious fruit of the earth, waiting for it, until he may receive the former and latter rain:
2 Peter 1:6
and to knowledge holiness; and to holiness patience; and patience, godliness;
Revelation 1:9
I John, your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and in patience in Jesus, was in the island which is called Patmos, on account of the word of God, and on account of the testimony of Jesus.
Revelation 3:10
Because you have kept the word of my patience, and I will keep you from the hour of temptation, which is about to come upon the whole world, to try those dwelling upon the earth.
Revelation 13:10
If any one leads into captivity he goes into captivity: if any one kills with a sword, it behooves him to be killed with a sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

General references

Mark 10:50
And he, casting away his cloak, rising, came to Jesus.