Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

Bible References


Psalm 102:26
They shall perish, but thou shalt endure; they all shall wax old as doth a garment, and as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed.
Ezekiel 21:27
Punish, punish, yea, punish them will I, and destroy them. And that shall not be fulfilled till he come, to whom the judgment belongeth, and to whom I have given it.
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth shall perish: but my words shall abide.
2 Peter 3:10
Nevertheless, the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which day, the heavens shall perish with terrible noise, and the elements shall melt with heat, and the earth, with the works that are therein, shall burn.
Revelation 11:15
And the seventh angel blew, and there were made great voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdoms of this world are our Lord's and his Christ's, and he shall reign for evermore."
Revelation 21:1
And I saw a new heaven, and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth were vanished away, and there was no more sea.