Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?


We gave

Shall we not

Bible References


John 3:6
Whatever has been born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever has been born of the Spirit is spirit.
Acts 2:30
Being a Prophet, however, and knowing that God had solemnly sworn to him to seat a descendant of his upon his throne,
Romans 1:3
who, as regards His human descent, belonged to the posterity of David,
Romans 9:3
For I could pray to be accursed from Christ on behalf of my brethren, my human kinsfolk--for such the Israelites are.


Hebrews 12:7
The sufferings that you are enduring are for your discipline. God is dealing with you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

We gave

Ephesians 6:1
Children, be obedient to your parents as a Christian duty, for it is a duty.

Shall we not

James 4:7
Submit therefore to God: resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.
1 Peter 5:6
Humble yourselves therefore beneath the mighty hand of God, so that at the right time He may set you on high.