Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

A new

General references

Bible References

A new

Hebrews 8:8
For, being dissatisfied with His people, God says, "'There are days coming,' says the Lord, 'When I will establish with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a new Covenant--

He hath

Hebrews 7:11
Now if the crowning blessing was attainable by means of the Levitical priesthood--for as resting on this foundation the people received the Law, to which they are still subject-- what further need was there for a Priest of a different kind to be raised up belonging to the order of Melchizedek instead of being said to belong to the order of Aaron?
Hebrews 9:9
And this is a figure--for the time now present--answering to which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, unable though they are to give complete freedom from sin to him who ministers.


Matthew 24:35
Earth and sky will pass away, but it is certain that my words will not pass away.
1 Corinthians 13:8
Love never fails. But if there are prophecies, they will be done away with; if there are languages, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be brought to an end.
2 Corinthians 5:17
So that if any one is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old state of things has passed away; a new state of things has come into existence.

General references

Luke 5:38
But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins.