Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Bible References

General references

John 1:10
In the world, he was, and, the world, through him, came into existence, and, the world, knew him not.
John 5:17
But, he, answered them - My Father, until even now, is working; and, I, am working.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Psalm 33:6
By the word of Yahweh, the heavens were made, and, by the spirit of his mouth, all their host:
Psalm 102:25
Of old - the earth, thou didst found, And, the work of thy hands, are the heavens;
Isaiah 45:12
I, made the earth, And man upon it, I created, - I - mine own hands, stretched out the heavens, And all their host, I commanded:
Ephesians 3:9
And to bring to light - what is the administration of the sacred secret which had been hidden away from the ages in God, who did all things create:
Colossians 1:16
Because, in him, were created all things in the heavens and upon the earth, the things seen and the things unseen, whether thrones or lordships or principalities or authorities, - they all, through him and for him, have been created,
Hebrews 1:2
At the end of these days, He hath spoken unto us in his Son, - whom he hath appointed heir of all things, through whom also he hath made the ages;
Hebrews 3:3
For, of more glory than Moses, hath, this one been counted worthy - by as much as more honour than, the house, hath, he that prepared it;
Revelation 4:11
Worthy, art thou, O Lord, and our God, to receive the glory, and the honour, and the power: because thou didst create all things, and, by reason of thy will, they were, and were created.