John 15:22

They would not be guilty of sinning if I had not come and spoken to them. But now [that I have], they have no excuse for their sin.

John 9:41

Jesus said to them, "If you were [really] blind [i.e., unable to see spiritually], you would not be guilty of sin. But since you claim, 'We can see [fine],' you remain guilty of sin."

Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities of eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, [capable of] being perceived through the things that He has made. So, these people have no excuse [i.e., for not believing in Him].

Luke 12:46

that slave's master will return on a day that he least expects, and at an hour unknown [to him]. And [that master] will whip him to shreds and will turn him over to suffer the same fate as unfaithful servants receive.

John 3:18-21

The person who believes in Him will not be condemned, but the one who does not believe in Him has already been condemned, because he did not believe in the name of God's one and only Son.

John 12:48

The person who rejects me and does not accept my message has One who [will] judge him. The message that I have spoken will judge him on the last day [i.e., the judgment day].

John 19:11

Jesus answered him, "You would not have any authority over me unless it were given to you from above [i.e., from God]. So, the person who turned me over to you is guilty of a worse sin."

Acts 17:30

Now God made allowance for the times when people were still uninformed [about His complete will], but now [in the Gospel age] He requires all people everywhere to repent [i.e., change their hearts and lives].

Romans 2:1

So, whoever you are, you people do not have any excuse for judging people [Note: At this point Paul begins addressing the Jews. See verse 17]. For in a matter where you judge someone else [to be wrong] you [actually] condemn yourselves, because you are practicing the same things [you condemn them for doing].

2 Corinthians 2:14-16

But I offer thanks to God, who always leads us [preachers] to victory in [the service of] Christ, and through us makes known the "fragrant odor" of His knowledge everywhere.

Hebrews 6:4-8

[These are people] who were once enlightened [by the Gospel message], who had experienced the gift from heaven [i.e., forgiveness, never ending life, etc. See Rom. 6:23], who had partaken of the Holy Spirit [See Acts 2:38],

James 4:17

So, the person who knows the good [he ought] to be doing, but is not doing it, is sinning.

1 Peter 2:16

As servants of God, you should live as free people, but do not use this freedom to cover up your wrongdoing.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

General references

Bible References


Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities of eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, [capable of] being perceived through the things that He has made. So, these people have no excuse [i.e., for not believing in Him].
Romans 2:1
So, whoever you are, you people do not have any excuse for judging people [Note: At this point Paul begins addressing the Jews. See verse 17]. For in a matter where you judge someone else [to be wrong] you [actually] condemn yourselves, because you are practicing the same things [you condemn them for doing].
1 Peter 2:16
As servants of God, you should live as free people, but do not use this freedom to cover up your wrongdoing.

General references

Luke 10:14
But Tyre and Sidon will be shown more leniency in the judgment [day] than you will.
John 16:9
[The world will be proven guilty] of sin for not believing in me.
James 4:17
So, the person who knows the good [he ought] to be doing, but is not doing it, is sinning.