Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

General references

Bible References


John 1:7
He came to be a witness, so that he might testify concerning that Light, so that all people would believe [in Jesus] through him [i.e., through his testimony. See Acts 19:4].
Matthew 11:11
It is true when I tell you, among [all] those born of women, no one greater than John the Immerser has come along. Yet the least significant person in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
Luke 1:15
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord and he will not drink any wine or intoxicating drinks [Note: This restriction suggests that John may have taken the special vow of consecration making him a "Nazarite"]. And he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from the time he is born.
Luke 7:28
And I tell you, among [all] those born of women, there is no one greater than John [the Immerser], yet the least significant person in the kingdom of God is greater than he."
2 Peter 1:19
And we have the message of the prophets [confirmed to us] as more certain [than ever]. So, you will do well to pay careful attention to it, as [you would] to a lamp in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts [Note: This probably refers to the beginning of the Gospel age, when people would become enlightened to its message].

And ye

John 6:66
Upon [hearing] this, many of Jesus' disciples turned back and refused to accompany Him anymore. [Note: They deserted Jesus physically as well as spiritually].
Matthew 3:5
[People from] Jerusalem and all over Judea and the region around the Jordan River all went out [to the desert] to [hear] him,
Matthew 11:7
As the messengers [sent by John. See Luke 7:27] went on their way, Jesus began to talk to the crowds about John. [He said], "What did you expect to see when you went out into the desert? A tall stem swaying in the wind?
Matthew 13:20
And the person who was sown on rocky ground is the one who hears the message and immediately welcomes it joyfully,
Matthew 21:26
But if we say, 'from men,' we are afraid the crowd will oppose us because they all consider John to be a prophet."
Mark 6:20
It was because Herod was afraid of John, knowing he was a righteous and holy man, so he protected him. And Herod became very disturbed whenever he listened to John, yet he heard him gladly.
Galatians 4:15
Now where are those good feelings you had for me? For I can [honestly] testify that [at one time] you would have even gouged out your eyes and given them to me [for sight] if that had been possible.

General references

Matthew 3:5
[People from] Jerusalem and all over Judea and the region around the Jordan River all went out [to the desert] to [hear] him,
Acts 13:24
His coming occurred after John [the Immerser] had preached to Israel that those who repented should be immersed [as evidence that they had done so].