Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Then said Jesus again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come.

General references

Bible References

I go

John 7:34
You will seek me, and won't find me; and where I am, you can't come."
John 12:33
But he said this, signifying by what kind of death he should die.
1 Kings 18:10
As Yahweh your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom, where my lord has not sent to seek you. When they said, 'He is not here,' he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they didn't find you.
2 Kings 2:16
They said to him, "See now, there are with your servants fifty strong men. Please let them go and seek your master. Perhaps the Spirit of Yahweh has taken him up, and put him on some mountain, or into some valley. He said, "You shall not send them."
Matthew 23:39
For I tell you, you will not see me from now on, until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!'"
Matthew 24:23
"Then if any man tells you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or, 'There,' don't believe it.

And shall die

John 8:24
I said therefore to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am he, you will die in your sins."
Job 20:11
His bones are full of his youth, but youth shall lie down with him in the dust.
Psalm 73:18
Surely you set them in slippery places. You throw them down to destruction.
Proverbs 11:7
When a wicked man dies, hope perishes, and expectation of power comes to nothing.
Proverbs 14:32
The wicked is brought down in his calamity, but in death, the righteous has a refuge.
Isaiah 65:20
"There shall be no more there an infant of days, nor an old man who has not filled his days; for the child shall die one hundred years old, and the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed.
Ezekiel 3:18
When I tell the wicked, You shall surely die; and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand.
Luke 16:22
It happened that the beggar died, and that he was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried.
1 Corinthians 15:17
If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins.
Ephesians 2:1
You were made alive when you were dead in transgressions and sins,


John 7:34
You will seek me, and won't find me; and where I am, you can't come."
John 13:33
Little children, I will be with you a little while longer. You will seek me, and as I said to the Jews, 'Where I am going, you can't come,' so now I tell you.
Matthew 25:41
Then he will say also to those on the left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels;

General references

Mark 8:13
He left them, and again entering into the boat, departed to the other side.
Luke 14:24
For I tell you that none of those men who were invited will taste of my supper.'"
John 7:34
You will seek me, and won't find me; and where I am, you can't come."