Luke 10:17

When the Seventy returned, they exclaimed joyfully, "Master, even the demons submit to us when we utter your name."

Mark 16:17

And signs shall attend those who believe, even such as these. By making use of my name they shall expel demons. They shall speak new languages.

Luke 10:1

After this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them before Him, by twos, to go to every town or place which He Himself intended to visit.

Luke 9:1

Then calling the Twelve together He conferred on them power and authority over all the demons and to cure diseases;

Luke 10:9

Cure the sick in that town, and tell them, "'The Kingdom of God is now at your door.'

Romans 16:20

And before long, God the giver of peace will crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

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