Luke 13:24

Compete to enter in by the narrow gate, because many, I say to you, will seek to enter in, and will not be able.

Proverbs 21:25

The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.

Genesis 32:25-26

And when he saw that he did not prevail against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was strained as he wrestled with him.

Proverbs 1:24-28

Because I have called, and ye have refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man has regarded,

Proverbs 14:6

A scoffer seeks wisdom, and [finds it] not, but knowledge is easy to him who has understanding.

Ecclesiastes 10:15

The labor of fools wearies every one of them, for he knows not how to go to the city.

Isaiah 1:15

And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide my eyes from you. Yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood.

Isaiah 58:2-4

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways. As a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near to God.

Ezekiel 33:31

And they come to thee as the people come, and they sit before thee as my people. And they hear thy words, but do not do them. For with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their gain.

Matthew 7:13-14

Enter ye in by the narrow gate, because wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many are they who enter through it.

Matthew 11:12

And from the days of John the immerser until now the kingdom of the heavens is treated aggressively, and aggressors seize it.

Mark 6:18-20

For John said to Herod, It is not permitted for thee to have thy brother's wife.

Luke 21:36

Watch ye therefore, making supplication at all times, so that ye may be considered worthy to escape all these things going to happen, and to stand before the Son of man.

John 6:27

Work not for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you, for God the Father put a seal on this man.

John 7:34

Ye will seek me, and will not find me, and where I am, ye cannot come.

John 8:21

Jesus therefore again said to them, I go, and ye will seek me, and ye will die in your sin. Where I go, ye cannot come.

John 13:33

Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye will seek me, and as I said to the Jews, Where I go, ye cannot come, I also now say to you.

Romans 9:31-33

But Israel who pursued a law of righteousness, did not arrive to a law of righteousness.

Romans 10:3

For not understanding the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to the righteousness of God.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Know ye not that those who run in an arena, indeed all run, but one receives the prize? So run that ye may seize it.

Philippians 2:12-13

Therefore my beloved, just as ye have always obeyed, not only as in my presence, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Colossians 1:29

For which also I labor, striving according to his working, which works in me with power.

Hebrews 4:11

Let us therefore be diligent to enter into that rest, so that not any man may fall by the same example of disobedience.

2 Peter 1:10

Therefore, brothers, instead be diligent to make your calling and selection sure, for doing these things, ye would, no, not ever stumble.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

The strait

Bible References

The strait

Matthew 7:13
Enter ye in by the narrow gate, because wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many are they who enter through it.


Proverbs 1:24
Because I have called, and ye have refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man has regarded,
Proverbs 14:6
A scoffer seeks wisdom, and [finds it] not, but knowledge is easy to him who has understanding.
Proverbs 21:25
The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.
Ecclesiastes 10:15
The labor of fools wearies every one of them, for he knows not how to go to the city.
Isaiah 1:15
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide my eyes from you. Yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood.
Isaiah 58:2
Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways. As a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near to God.
Ezekiel 33:31
And they come to thee as the people come, and they sit before thee as my people. And they hear thy words, but do not do them. For with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their gain.
Mark 6:18
For John said to Herod, It is not permitted for thee to have thy brother's wife.
John 7:34
Ye will seek me, and will not find me, and where I am, ye cannot come.
John 8:21
Jesus therefore again said to them, I go, and ye will seek me, and ye will die in your sin. Where I go, ye cannot come.
John 13:33
Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye will seek me, and as I said to the Jews, Where I go, ye cannot come, I also now say to you.
Romans 9:31
But Israel who pursued a law of righteousness, did not arrive to a law of righteousness.
Romans 10:3
For not understanding the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, they did not submit to the righteousness of God.

General references

Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Matthew 22:14
For many are called, but few chosen.
John 7:34
Ye will seek me, and will not find me, and where I am, ye cannot come.