Luke 21:22
For those are the days of vengeance and of fulfilling all that is written.
Matthew 1:22
All this took place in fulfilment of what the Lord had spoken through the Prophet,
Mark 13:19-20
For those will be times of suffering the like of which has never been from the first creation of God's world until now, and assuredly never will be again;
Romans 2:5
The fact is that in the stubbornness of your impenitent heart you are treasuring up against yourself anger on the day of Anger--the day when the righteousness of God's judgements will stand revealed.
2 Peter 2:9
Since all this is so, the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from temptation, and on the other hand how to keep the unrighteous under punishment in readiness for the Day of Judgement,
2 Peter 3:7
But the present heavens and the present earth are, by the command of the same God, kept stored up, reserved for fire in preparation for a day of judgement and of destruction for the ungodly.