Luke 24:45

Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures.

Acts 16:14

Among the listeners there was a woman called Lydia, a dealer in purple who belonged to the town of Thyatira. She reverenced God, and the Lord opened her heart to attend to what Paul said.

Luke 24:32

And they said to one another, "Did not our hearts glow within us when he was talking to us on the road, opening up the scriptures for us?"

Acts 26:18

that their eyes may be opened and that they may turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, to get remission of their sins and an inheritance among those who are consecrated by faith in me.'

2 Corinthians 3:14-18

Besides, their minds were dulled, for to this very day, when the Old Testament is read aloud, the same veil hangs. Veiled from them the fact that the glory fades in Christ!

2 Corinthians 4:4-6

there the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to prevent them seeing the light thrown by the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God.

Ephesians 5:14

Thus it is said, 'Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead; so Christ will shine upon you.'

1 John 5:20

We know that the Son of God has come, and has given us insight to know Him who is the Real God; and we are in Him who is real, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the real God, this is life eternal.

Revelation 3:7

Then to the angel of the church at Philadelphia write thus: ??These are the words of the true Holy One, who holds the key of David, who opens and none shall shut, who shuts and none shall open.

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